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Gangs and Rathtars

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Gangs and Rathtars

"Bala-Tik. What's the problem?" The group could hear Han and Bala-Tik talk above them.

"The problem is we loaned you fifty thousand for this job."

"Can you see them?" Rey asks.

Finn replies "No."

They start crawl forward, going further into the shaft.

"I heard you also borrowed fifty thousand from Kanjiklub."

"You know you can't trust those little
freaks! How long've we known each other?"

Rey, Brook and Finn crawl right under the gang to check out their situation.

"They have blasters," Brook whispers.

"A lot of 'em." Finn adds.

Brook tilts her head at him, "Really Finn? Didn't see that."

The chatter above them continues and Kanjiklub comes in too. What a sweet mess you've gotten them into huh Han? They hear a gun getting loaded. They crawl back to the other side to see what's going on

"That BB unit," They hear Bala-Tik say, "the First Order is looking for one just like it. And three fugitives."

The three of them stop dead into their tracks, they look at each other.

"First I've heard of it," Han replies casually.

The three start to panic and crawl away from the spot they came from. Rey looks at a couple controls. "Wait wait wait, if we close the blast doors in that corridor we can trap both gangs!"

"Close the blast doors from here?" Finn asks.

"Resetting the fuses should do it."

She begins to mess with the controls in attempt to reset them, Brook helps following her lead. They hear a loud door open and a red light starts to flash.

"I got a bad feeling about this..." Brook and whispers.

"Oh no." Rey realizes their mistake.

"Oh no, what?" Finn asks clueless.

"Wrong fuses."

"Kill them! And take the droid!" They hear from afar along with the growling of a creature right after, rathtars.

Again, the trio hurriedly crawl through the space below decks.

"This was a mistake!" Finn exclaims.

Rey replies, "huge!"

They hear members of one of the gangs run above them, then they open a grate to get back on the main level. Brook helps Rey get up, Finn with her, than she grabs his hand to pull him up aswell.

As they walk through the corridors Rey asks, "What do they look like?"

They turn another corner and see a Rathtar eating the gang members. Rey covers her mouth.

Brook shouts, "they look like that!"

Finn yanks the girls away. They race around another corner and see another Rathtar. "This way!"

"Are you sure?" Rey asks

They run off but the Rathtar grabs Finn and pulls him back. They hear him scream for the both of them. But the creature is to fast, they lost him.

"Finn!!" Rey screams. "FINN!"

Brook sees a control panel and instantly runs to it, Rey following right after. They see live video surveillance. Perfect. They see the Rathtar almost at a door. Rey waits a few seconds for the perfect moment, and closes the door cutting off its arm and freeing Finn.

"Good job!" Brook quickly says before they run to where he is. "Finn!"

Finn is confused, it happened so quick, "it had me! But the door--!"

"That was lucky!" Rey says and they all head off once more.

They run in with Han in the hanger where the Falcon is. He's helping a injured Chewbacca up the ramp.

He sees them, "you close the door behind us!" he says to Rey. "You," he looks at Finn, "take care of Chewie!"

"And me?" Brook raises her eyebrow.

"You..." Han pauses, "do whatever!"

Brook smirks and follows him into the cockpit. He looks at her but doesn't mind. Chewie is down, so why not? But Rey ruins the moment and comes in reaching for something near Brook.

"Where are you going?" Han asks her.

"Unkar Plutt installed a fuel pump too." Rey informs, "if we don't prime that we're not going anywhere."

"I hate that guy."

"And you could use a co-pilot?"

"I got one," he looks at his niece, "she's right there." Brook smiles at him. "Watch the thrust, we're goin' out of here at lightspeed."

"From inside the hangar?" Brook asks.

Rey questions him as well,"Is that even possible?"

"I never ask that question until after I've done it." He replies.

A Rathtar jumps on the window, trying to eat the entire cockpit. Rey screams and falls into one of the seats behind the two pilots.

"This is not how I thought this day was gonna go," he hits a few controls. "Hang on back there!"

"No problem!" Finn shouts back.

"Come on baby, don't let me down!" Han speaks to the Falcon, causing Brook to chuckle, it reminded her of Poe. "What?"

"Nothing. Nothing."

He hits a switch, but nothing. "What?!" Han shouts at his ship.

Rey reaches over and points to a switch, "compressor."

Han doesn't like it but she's right, he hits the switch and the ship goes straight into hyperspace, right through the Rathtar. Safe, for now.

Rey joins the others in the main area. Leaving the two alone.

Han looks at her. "So, who's Poe?"

"He's my bestfriend, Finn is convinced he died on Jakku.." she looks down.

"But you don't believe that." Han keeps his gaze on her.

"No, I don't." She finally looks at him, "I didn't sense anything, no disturbance, which means he's alive. Where or is he safe? I don't know."

Her uncle nods, then looks down at the chain around her neck that she had been playing with subconsciously. "Just friends?" he raises his eyebrow.

She looks at the ring, "Yeah."

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