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The Missing Piece

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The Missing Piece

The Falcon's ramp goes down. Poe, already there, watching as Chewie scuttled down the ramp carrying an unconscious and injured Finn. Medical Personnel usher them inside.

"Easy, easy. He's hurt." One of the doctors say, "We've got a heartbeat."

Rey walks down the ramp, helping Brook by having her arm around her waist. Poe runs to his girl and immediately embraces her in a tight hug, taking her out of Rey's arms.

"Brook!" he pulls away and looks at her, seeing all of her injuries, "W-what happened?!"

"Kylo Ren, what else?" She feels tears fall down her face once more and they hug again and longer. She breaks down in his arms, sobbing into his chest. She wasn't just in physical pain, but mental. She moves her head onto his shoulder, Brook sees her aunt Leia hugging Rey. The two make eye contact, Leia nods to her in support.

Poe leads Brook to a medical room, the doctors inspect her wounds. They wrap her thigh in a bandage and clean her up with wipes. They start to work on her left arm, making her take off her jacket. The jacket's forearm was cut, it ruined it. It was what Poe gave her when they first met. It took a few hours, but Poe stayed with her the entire time. He held her other hand and distracted her from the pain. Eventually, the nurses and doctors finished.

She had a robotic arm. It was weird at first, but she was sure she'll get used to it.

Poe stares at her face as she inspects it. "Well if you ask me," he looks at her new arm, "You look pretty badass."

Brook chuckles, "I guess that's one way to look at it."

She then plants a long kiss on his lips. They stay like that for a few moments, before Leia comes in.

Poe pulls away, "General." he coughs out.

"Commander," Leia smirks looking at the two, "Glad you finally confessed your obvious feelings for each other."

Brook shakes her head with a small laugh.

Leia turns serious, "How are you?"

"Physically, fine now."

Poe squeezes her hand right hand.

"If your ready, you can give me a debrief in my office."

"Yeah, of course." Brook stands up, with Poe's assistance, and follows her aunt to her office.

Once they arrive, Brook explains everything that happened. From getting the shields down, to Han, to the forest.


About an hour or two later, they were in the main control room. Poe saw Brook and Leia enter. Leia continued walking and he threw a leather jacket at Brook. She catches it on time, again, of course.

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