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Back To Jakku

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Back To Jakku

The stormtrooper, the pilot and the Jedi snuck their way around by pretending to be prisoners. The trooper had applied his helmet again, and to everyone else, it looked just as though he was escorting them. They currently were in the hanger.

"Okay, stay calm. Stay calm." the trooper mumbles under his helmet.

"We are calm," Poe whispers to him.

"I was talking to myself.." he answered back, "Not yet... Okay go, this way." he guides them to a TIE fighter.

They all jump into the TIE, Poe and Finn sitting back to back leaving no where for Brook.

"Uhm, where do I go?" She snaps more then asks.

"Oh right!" The stormtrooper forgot, "uhm, there should be a adjustable seat in front of him."

Poe takes off his handcuffs and then starts to feel for the seat, which he finds and pulls it out. Lucky for Brook it was right in between his legs. "There! Come on!"

Brook sits down while her cheeks flush a light shade of pink, everyone is too busy to notice, even herself. She removes her restraints, while Poe removes his jacket and hangs it on the seat. God he must have 100 of those jackets. He starts to fire up the engines, their all ready to leave.

"I always wanted to fly one of these things." Poe says excitedly as though he's a 5 year old who just got a new toy. "Do you know how to shoot?"

"Blasters, I can!" The trooper shouts back.

"Same principal! Use the toggle on the left to switch between missiles, cannons and mag pulse." Brook explains for him, "use the site on the right to aim, trigger is to fire!"

"This is very complicated," he mutters.

Poe flies the TIE fighter up in the air only too be stopped by cables that is holding it back. "I can fix this!" he says trying not to sound worried. Stormtroopers start to fire at their ship. They some how manage to break threw and leave hanger.

"Woah! This thing really moves." Poe comments as he adjusts to the ship, "Alright, we gotta take out as many cannons as we can or we're not gonna get far!"

"Alright!" The stormtrooper replies.

"I'm gonna get us into position, just stay sharp!" he flies around taking sharp turns, "Up ahead! You see it? I've got us dead centered. It's a clean shot."

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