26. Space Station

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"Our long winded expedition has come to an end. Thank you, thank you, hold your applause." Ezra bows. Sparrow and I clap a little bit. He smiles at us graciously.

We get inside and head to reception.

"Name and ID please." A young woman with giant pointy glasses says without looking up from her computer. She has yellow blonde hair in a tight bun with a navy blue ribbon. She clicked and clacked away at the keyboard without stopping once. "Ezra Young." he hands her the card. She stops her typing and the silence seems loud. She squints at the card and looks back up at him. She smiles at him warmly. "Wonderful." She hands the card back to him quickly to move on.

This same process happens with Sparrow and Dean. Then she gets to us. "IDs please." "We aren't from here, they said they'd vouch for us?" I say as I struggle to think of a way to word it, or at least how the boys explained it to us.

"And do you?" She turns to the boys. "Yes, the girl with red hair is with me." Ezra points at me and motions for me to walk over to him. "And the other is with me." Sparrow reaches his hand out for Taylor to grab. "We would also like to create a contract so I can work on their ships as well." "Do you two consent to it?" She asks. They all nod yes. "Fantastic, you may proceed to rooms 6, 7, and 8."

We thank her and go to the three entrance rooms that look small at glance from the outside. They were. The entrance area was tight with two benches, a full rack of astronaut gear, and a rack of engineering clothes. Ezra and I were practically up against each other. We put the astronaut suit overtop our clothes that we have on. We don't put the helmets or boots on because they are really heavy and uncomfortable. We also don't need them yet because we aren't out in space.

The actual building rooms are open with platforms and cautionary tape shaping the square lifts.

"This'll take me about twenty minutes to do each. I have to program autopilot, program the emergency controls so I can control the ships if need be, the back up emergency stuff, as well as other things." Dean explains.

"Do we even know where we are going?" Taylor asks. "We have to fly to the government headquarters on their hidden planet." I tell her.

"Mar, it's hidden for a reason, and what do you think they'll do, just say 'oh you're right let's fix what we did to humanity'?" "No we have to launch a secret attack." "With five people?" "Well yeah, but what are the odds they have high security? They have their own secret planet and every space station in Clinia, Burrville, Claude Valley, and Necari is heavily guarded. Not to mention they fooled the entire civilization. Nobody would come after them except a fourteen soon to be fifteen year old girl. I don't think that scares them very much." I rant. "Yeah but now they know you have help." Taylor sighs because she's flooded with stress.

"We'll be okay, just relax." "Don't. Tell. Me. To. Relax." She glares at me. I step away from her in hopes to diffuse the situation but instead she yells, "Why are you walking away from me?"

"I'm trying to just stop this here, because we're about to have to team up together for the greater good! Can't you just try to stand me and not be moody for like three days or so?"

I'm growing tired of her. I once saw her as a sister I'd always wanted, but now, I want her out of my life faster than anything.

"No, I can't stand you! You are so self centered and absolutely useless! I told you that you have to grow up! A better bet would be to leave you here and let the older kids do the work. Your plans are reckless and are going to get us killed. This isn't some magic little fairy adventure." She stomps towards me. "That's enough," I boom, "I am tired of you disrespecting me for no reason. I deserve to be here just as much as you do, not that I want to be, but I'm not standing around while I contemplate my inevitable doom." "See now you are the one that needs to relax." Taylor hisses at me. "I'm glad we are going on separate ships." I growl back. "Actually, I think I'll ride with Dean." "Oh no you don't. I'm not being used for jealous based plans. You are in the wrong here Taylor and I won't stand for it." He retorts.

"Sparrow why don't you stand up for me?" She twists back to him. "You guys just don't appreciate Taylor's genius." He says to us while crossing his arms. "Follower." Ezra obviously says while 'coughing'.

Sparrow sticks his tongue out at him. "Who needs to grow up now?" Dean snickers.

Why has she been so aggressive lately?

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