19. A Walk of Fear

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TW!!! Mention of barf!

We take our first steps onto the scorching desert sand. The sun beam seems to immediately orbit around and engulf us in overbearing heat. "We just got out here, and I already wish that we brought water." Taylor waves her face with her hand for a breeze.

"No joke." I join her in light face waving.

We need to get out of the broad daylight. They will surely spot us from miles away. A painful emotion tugged at my heart inside of me. The emotions beat at my chest like thunder. It was a blue and sluggish feeling. But at the same time, another emotion filled my adrenaline with fear. I'm scared, and I don't want to die. That's what the world has come to now. Resorting people to fear (or not even know) their lives are in danger.

A broken down wooden stand with a crumbling sign that is barely legible says "Revolvers for Sale". I motion to the stand and Taylor shakes her head 'no'. "Too easy for us to be spotted." She whispers.

For a good fifteen minutes it's only sand and desert lands. "How could there be people out here? There's nothing." "It could be yet again another lie from the government to scare us into staying in our designated borders." I reply gloomily.

A UFO soared above us, gliding through the yellow sky. It didn't seem to notice the two insignificant people below its marvelous metal plating.

Our heads whipped as our gaze barely managed to follow the immaculate speed of the ship.

Our walk continues by with sand hills of scorpions- one of the things that disgusts me the most.

I gag at every turn.

"Just look straight, don't look backwards or sideways." Taylor frustratingly groans. "But I saw one!" I freeze after I hear a loud crunch under my foot. "Oh boy," Taylor sighs, "don't look down, it was part of a tumbleweed you stepped on." She lies to make me feel better. My face turns bright green. "Liar." I heave over as barf chunks come flying out of my mouth. There is soggy waste all over me now. "Really?!" She whimpers.

"S-sorry." I swallow the other round of throw up.

"It won't take long for you to dry, but if we come across anyone it won't be long before they smell that putrid scent you produced."

"Sorry." I repeat.

Nervously- she has me roll around in the sand to hopefully mask some of the puke.

I feel miserable throughout the walk because if I didn't bend a certain way, I would feel the slimey wet spots on my shirt.

I think I notice a hut.




"Oh, over there, I see it now."

With the little energy we have, we run to the decently sized hut. That's when we noticed it wasn't a hut, it was a bar.

A man is passed out beside the two entrance doors. He has a white cowboy hat and a ripped leather jacket. Taylor and I look at each other. She picks up the hat from his head, and out comes a loud snore. "Yep, he's out. Better to snatch it up than be caught by your puke shirt." She unzips the leather jacket and hands it to me. I walk behind the building and pulled off my shirt and replaced it with the jacket.

I walk back around and greet my friend. "Looks good, let's go inside." She nervously suggests. "I thought we were supposed to be hiding. They'll rip us apart." "I think we'll be okay, I just have a feeling. We can recruit people." "We don't have money, I don't think they care about saving Clinia or anywhere else." "We at least have to try. It's the best shot we've got, Mar." I give in. "Alright, fine, but if we die it's your fault." She nods.

We take a deep breath in and take a step inside. The chatter doesn't come to a halt like I imagined. Nobody notices that we even came inside. A good start so far.

We can't drink so I hope they have water- and that we can get it without us seeming like we're suspicious.

"A water please." I try to stay quiet.

The man has a handlebar mustache. He looks at me quizzically but fills a cup with water and slides it over to me. "The same." Taylor tells him.

"What is your business here? You are obviously from Clinia." "Why would you say that?" I don't want to give it away. "You stick out like a sore thumb. That one also has wings which is strictly a Clinia thing. We don't get much of you people here. I can also tell you two are both minors, which although theoretically it isn't legal to be in here, you got water and you'll be fine." "Aren't you angry at us for being from Clinia?" "See that's a stupid stereotype that your 'lovely' government has placed upon us. We couldn't care less where you are from. So long as you don't disturb the peace of things, people will leave you alone."

"Well we need to recruit people on a mission."
"And what mission would that be for?"
"The government is secretly abducting people and destroying the world." "Good luck finding people for that. Most of us just want to live calm lives." The bartender gives us a smile and walks away to serve other customers. I panic a moment as I realize we can't pay for the water. I yell over to him. "On the house." He tells us.

Let's hope we can find people to recruit.

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