29. Team Asteroid

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I'm sour about the ordeal. I agree with Dean's reasoning, however I don't particularly feel like trying to get along with Taylor.

"Oh good, we're screwed then." Taylor grumbles. "No, and it shouldn't be that difficult to get along anyway." Dean retorts.

"How would you know nerd?" She mumbles.
"I heard that."

"Well I suppose I'll begin then. Taylor, I'm sorry you feel that I'm being controlling. I've taken it into consideration and I'll ease up."

"Okay done, what now?" Taylor clasps her hands together. "Mar, that was good that you admitted to that first, but Taylor you have to take your turn now." Dean types a code into the frame. "I forgive you I guess Mar, now what are we doing Dean?"

"Please tell me you aren't really this ignorant," he sighs, "I thought I'd made it rather obvious, but clearly not. You have to apologize back to her. You aren't completely in the right."

"Ha! You think I'm gonna apologize to her?? I've done nothing wrong. My behavior was based off of her actions. I wouldn't have acted that way had she not have been a control freak."

"Remember what I said Taylor. We can gladly make a stop back down from space and drop you off." Ezra threatens.

"Actually that's not entirely tr-"

"Dean!" Ezra hints.


We aren't getting anywhere at all.

"Incoming object" the speaker blares.

"Uhh, Dean what's that?" I yell.

"Seems to be-" he's cut off with a jolt of his ship. "Woah!" He bellows.

"You okay?" Sparrow asks anxiously.
"Uh yeah, but it looks like some sort of...it couldn't be..."
"Spit it out!" Taylor barks.
"UFO!!" Ezra screams as a metal ship comes flying overhead and crashes downward by the entry.

Our communication abruptly halts.

The twist of the entry comes undone and four creatures step forward. They look...human.

"Allow me to introduce myself and our Team Asteroid, however you may know me. Well maybe not me, but my outward appearance. My name is Cosmo Batterby and this is my assistant Renard Scant."

"Impossible!" Ezra and I both exclaim.

"Wait what do you mean "outward appearence?"  I ask slowly.

"Ah yes, well I'm not exactly your leader, I am merely shifted to look like him. I'm an ackfina, a shapeshifter if you will. Cosmo and Renard have been dead for years! Glofor- I mean 'Renard' and I are the leaders of another planet. We were simply curious in your planet, and we were quickly discovered by your leaders so we took them over to prevent the blow of our cover, unfortunately we couldn't leave you leaderless so we had to stay. Our planet's scientists would like to further investigation of your home, which is why you may have noticed a lot of your friends have disappeared. We didn't want to cause panic, so we replaced them with clones so nobody would notice." He smiled warmly.

"I can't believe this." I begin to shake.

"So...we'll get our family and friends back though right?" Ezra asks.

"Haha silly boy!"
Ezra begins to smile in anticipation.
"Of course you won't!"

"I'm sorry what?" I butt in.

"Humans live very short lives. Our studies last eons! That's why we have replaced everyone, to mimic normal human life for our younglings."

Ezra and I well up with tears.

"Why are you here right now?"

"Well our collection isn't complete without you! You've made this a lot more difficult on us since you are all on separate ships, but we will gather you all. Consider yourselves special! You are the last remaining humans that aren't in our clutches! Until now." They blast us with an electric shock bubble that renders us incapable of moving and in pain. "It'll be over soon my friends."

Before I black out, all I can do is think of my family and friends. When I say friends I even mean those I don't get along with like Ella and her group- and even Taylor now.

I fear for when alien Cosmo and Renard take the final free willed humans away.

I know one thing is for sure.

This is not the end.

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