1. Clinia

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There's a lot of things I'd much rather do than worry. In the year 5007, holographic leader Cosmo Batterby leads a world that almost seems too perfect. Robots, no crashes, perfect people, complete peace, and a world managed almost entirely by AI. Cosmo Batterby's assistant Renard Scant, (funny I know), creates all to his whim. This sounds like heaven I'm sure, it did to all of us, but that's where you are wrong. The saying money can't buy you happiness is somewhat true. While you live a perfect life, it almost seems tedious, repetitive, and too perfect, that you feel like one of the robots. A robot of the government, whether you realize it or not. My mother, Sondria and my father, Krisley Lance, lead a rebellion, because they realized the same as I did. They have over fourteen thousand members, but compared to the population of Clinia, and the overpowered AI managing it, there's no way they'd make a difference. If only someone could just wipe the slate clean, we could make a better world. One where you get to enjoy life, still have mistakes, and have it be more 'human.' Sounds ridiculous, but that would be the dream. That's the other thing, what the past dreamt for, became a reality. It almost feels like one big dream. Anything you want, boom, you've got it, as long as it follows the guidelines of the perfect society. A brainwashed city, and a brainwashing education system. Here in school, we learn about the history of our five hundred year old leaders. Cosmo Batterby, Assistant Renard Scant, and the vice leader that nobody discusses; James Cores. We also learn about how lucky we are to have such a great life, and we learn the rules our dictator- sorry, leader, has put in place. Everything is practically synchronized. Trash, we all leave our houses to take in the trash in a neat manner, at 8:22 AM on the dot. That's not my job actually, it's my big brother's, who went off to become the new CEO of CTR, or Clinia Technology Resources. He obviously didn't follow the footsteps of my parents. He still lives with us, that is, until he stops spending his money on buying the newest suits for whenever he has his meeting with the current CEO and Renard Scant. He wants to make the best impression he can, but honestly he's falling into a more dangerous trap than the rest of us, cluelessly living our lives. "Mad conspiracy theories," he always says when I tell him what I believe.

Jenny Crosston, my friend, attempts to understand my theories, but she just thinks the government is trying too hard to please everybody, even though she really does want to know what I'm getting at. Sweet naive Jenny. She happens to want to become an ADTAS, or an Angel-Devil-Tester-And-Surgeon. Where you test people to see if they earned their horns or wings, and then she wants to perform the surgery to give people those properties. To me, it sounds disgusting. Plus the whole thing is rigged, it's based on preference. I'm telling you, this world is made to keep people from questioning, to think it's all great, and to keep us in line.

I've never found interest in school, so I'm failing. I don't want to fall for what they're teaching us. Our teacher, Mrs. Tea-cher, pronounced Tia-share, doesn't help the cause, as she is a robot. I can't revolt too much, since I know security are watching to see how the program is going through Mrs. Tea-cher. I don't want to disappear, but I won't, because that would be too suspicious, for the daughter of the two revolution leaders to go missing. Unless the rest of the city is too brainwashed that is. Hold on, how is Mrs. Tea-cher married? She's a robot! Does she have some sort of set that they consider a robot marriage, because they come together? I will admit, that would be a funnily clever idea. Especially if they came in a pack together when families buy them. The teacher robots can be bought from a store as tutor bots, which my mom teaches me at home, since I don't do my schoolwork, and we don't trust them, meaning I don't need one.

Clinia is something else, a city like no other, it's sister locations such as Burrville and Claude Valley, don't act as such. You can't leave Clinia, once you arrive, there's no going back. We have walls around the city, reinforced every year for help in structure, so nobody gets out. The leaders couldn't have someone like me spilling their secrets. I sure have met the leaders before, and they don't like me. They know that I know what's really going on, and they want it to stop. That's why I'm on "probation", but to prevent questioning from the public, they call it 'The Happy Program' where they check in on me for brainwashing sessions. It doesn't work, I'm too far down the line of truth. It only really confirms what I know to be true, and that's where they made a big mistake. If only others would believe me, even someone like Jenny, this adventure would be so much easier. If we can't escape, I propose riding a spaceship out of here, there's bound to be at least one planet, with this technology, that we could reach that's habitable for humans. We'd have to do it secretly, or the Astro-bots could easily fetch us at the single snap of a finger from Cosmo Batterby.

I'd hate to leave my brother behind, but survival comes first. I can try to convince him until then, since it probably won't ever happen. Not to mention the heavy duty robo cops that would remove me in a second before I even got to the space station. Maybe, just maybe, if the books aren't burned, I could go find a book on how to build a spaceship, even if it's not from this time of excellence. I just sincerely hope that one day, these corrupt leaders get what's coming to them.

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