Chapter 14: Step into the shadows of the bat part 5

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In the deeper catacomb regions of the sewers, we see Batman, Night Fang, Goddess Bat, Blood Bat, Blood Claw, Grinning Bat and Brood Knight locating a long forgotten passageway to the left due to Blood Bat/Lucy's knowledge of the Krypt of the Silver Hawk.

Based on the ancient gates open, Penguin and his group have already pass through here due to the artifact silver feather-like keys he stole. Now he's trying to steal a legendary treasure within the krypt but he's unaware of the dreaded curse that will be disastrous for Gotham if Penguin were to get ahold of it.

Entering the Krypt, the group noticed the strange hieroglyphics on the walls, one of the strange images involving a creature being half man, half hawk holding a mystic looking blade. Using detective mode on her mask, Blood Bat scan & read the hieroglyphics.

Blood Bat: Beware the Feared Hawk King, The Man who has consumed the heart of the ancient Silver Winged Beast, gained tremendous power and eternal youth, ruling over his kingdom for 500 years but at a terrible price; He fell under a dreadful curse that transformed his body into a human/hawk Beast  known as The Silver Hawk Emperor.

Grinning Bat: Whoa.... That sounds like a real hassle.

Blood Bat: (turns to the group) Indeed, His mind was gone as the beast grew more feral and hungry for power and wealth which he prevailed in doing so until a brave soldier of his army couldn't take his corrupted reign no more. He then challenged the emperor to a fight to the death for the throne.

Goddess Bat: It was a brutal showdown, the soldier fought valiantly but was overwhelmed by the Silver Hawk Emperor's vast god-like power so in a last ditch effort, he pulled out a sacred spear of gold given to him by his grandfather to pierce the emperor's cold silver heart, killing him.

Brood Knight: How do you know all of this?

Blood Bat: We have our ways. Where was I... Oh yeah, the soldier became the new emperor while the vanquished emperor was placed in a coffin and sealed within the krypt along with his wealth.

Batman: Deep underneath Gotham...

Goddess Bat: Yes, though the previous emperor was killed, his curse still lives on. If his grave and treasure were ever tampered with... the Silver Hawk Emperor's spirit would rise from the dead, seeking vengeance on those who would disturb it and not only that as we explained before....

Batman: It's curse will be unleashed upon Gotham and everyone in it.

Blood Claw: Well we better hurry, what if Penguin unearths the cursed treasure?

Batman: He won't... I'll make sure of it.

The group head inside the krypt which was utterly gigantic for one's tomb. While traveling through the path, the group noticed a strange blue lighting orb sitting on stone pillar between them and the next passage followed by a few of penguin's men all dead on the floor.

Night Fang: A few of penguin's thugs are dead.

Blood Claw: But how?

Goddess Bat: Hmmm...

Goddess Bat pulls out a capsule and pushed the button as it formed into a decoy of herself. She then throws the decoy into the path of the blue orb which glowed red as it shot out needle sized lasers at the decoy, its body full of holes as it fell on one of the dead thugs.

Batman: One of the Krypt Traps, going in head on would be suicide. We'll have to find another way around it.

The Dark Knight looks around for any signs of different route until he noticed a row of stone gargoyles up top.

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