Chapter 2: Luna the test subject

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Luna groaned she slowly awakened.

Luna: ooh... my head.

Luna gets up to find herself in a black slim leotard and in a large, glass bubble like prison.

Luna: what the heck?! Where are my clothes and where am I?!

Luna bangs on the glass with her fists but couldn't get out as she calls for help.

Luna: help! Somebody help me! Get me outta here!!!

???: sorry third eldest sibling but we're held in a saluted location where screaming for help or escape is impossible...

Luna sees someone in the corner of the shadows. The person then stepped forward out of the shadows, revealing it to be lisa with a creepy grin on her face.

Quickly remembering what happened before she was knocked out, Luna's expression went from scared to anger real fast.

Luna: lisa what the heck?! Why do you knock me out and trap me in here dude?!

Lisa: oh you see third eldest sibling... I have chosen you to be the subject of one of my greatest experiments.

Luna: are you crazy?! You know that our folks said no experimentation on your sibs, that includes me dude!

Lisa: oh I know but I don't have enough space in my brain for that data so I removed it. You see you'll be volunteering for this simple project of mine.

Luna: (angry) I didn't volunteer for jack, you knocked me out and kidnapped me!

Lisa: if I asked you directly, you would of denied my request.

Luna: you're not wrong there! I'm not a guinea pig and neither is the rest of our fam lis!

Lisa: well too bad... this is all for science and your say does not matter in the slightest. I spend two weeks on perfecting this chemical and I'm going to test on someone to see the results.

Luna gulped at the venomous tone in lisa's voice.

Luna: lisa... you don't have to do this. Just let me out of here and you won't get in trouble with our folks.

Lisa's grin grew.

Lisa: oh but I want to do this and you're going to be my test subject whether you like it or not.

Lisa turns the switch and the lights turns on, revealing that luna and Lisa were in an underground lab. Luna sees three tubes attached to the glass bubble prison she was in attached to a computer-like machine, the tables fill with lab equipment, multiple tv monitors in front of her and a lot of crates.

Luna: what is this?!

Lisa: welcome to my underground laboratory! It took me 8 months to build this lab under my bunker with some assistance from the robots I built.

Luna: you build robots? Since when?!

Lisa: since the 4th month of my work. Now it's time to begin.

Luna bangs on the glass with her fists as well as shoulder tackling the glass to break it but it proved to be useless.

Lisa: Like I said before escape is impossible, I reinforced that glass dome you're in myself, not even a... failed monstrosity can escape.

Luna: let me outta here!!!

Lisa ignores luna and walks towards the computer-like machine that connects the the tubes to the glass bubble prison luna was in as she took out the light purple protoplasmic chemical clay ooze and poured it into the container of the machine as she begins to activate the machine linked to the prison luna was in.

LH: Clayface Luna, Moon Scourge Where stories live. Discover now