Chapter 10: Step into the shadows of the bat part 1

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Luna looks at the billionaire Bruce Wayne with a surprised expression.

Luna:  Whoa... h-hello there Bruce Wayne, I'm Luna.

Bruce Wayne: Nice to meet you luna, welcome to the wayne mansion. I assure you that you will get all the help you need here.

Luna: Thanks but I'm not insane or anything, I just.... I'm dealing with some problems... I guess you know about it since the others explained the... incident 11 years ago.

Bruce look at the rockstar with a sympathetic look.

Bruce: Yes... I'm truly sorry that this happened to you, believe me. Allow me to help you out.

Luna slightly smiles.

Luna: Okay... if the others say you can and they trust you, I'll trust you as well dude.

Bruce: Thanks. Now follow me.

Bruce leads Luna out of the living room with Lincoln, Luan, Lucy, Lily, Haiku, Rocky and Benny following behind them while Alfred goes to finish dinner. Bruce then walks towards the bookcase and pulls on one of the books as a click sound was heard while said bookcase moved to the right, revealing a dark secret entrance.

Luna: (shocked) whoa....

Bruce: C'mon, there's more to see.

Luna nods as she followed Bruce and the group through the secret entrance as the bookcase closes behind them. The group followed Bruce down the long stairs, finally entering a huge cave, several monitoring future like computers, tables set full of different types of gadgetry and technology, an armored and futuristic looking car, a training center and more as Luna looks to see a horde of bats hanging from the ceiling as said bats awoken, screeching and scattering everywhere throughout the cave.

Luna: Whoa...

Bruce: Welcome to the Bat Cave.

Luna: Wow... I can't believe I'm actually in the Bat cave right now! Spooky but rad!

Lucy: Yeah... The shadows of the bat exist here in its natural realm.

Luan: The dark cave that drives everyone "batty", hahahaha! Get it?

Everyone groaned.

Lincoln: Heh, I was shocked and excited when Bruce showed me the Bat cave.

Bruce: Yep, now that you know... (looks at luna dead in the eyes, his signature cold stare) Do you have what it takes to fight alongside the Batman, The shadow bat unit and to protect all of gotham....?

Luna saw sheer darkness in Bruce's eyes which spooked her but she breathes in and then out before looking at Bruce with a cold glare of her own.

Luna: Yes... I do. You can trust me with your secret, my siblings and their lovers secret as well as helping and fighting alongside you dudes, I swear it.

Bruce: (nods) Alright... but before your training begins, I'm going to help you with your.... problem. Follow me, the rest of you can spar with one another.

Lincoln: Yes Bruce.

As Lincoln, Luan, Lucy, Haiku, Rocky and Benny were sparring each other with lily watching them, Luna followed Bruce.

Bruce: Lay down on the table please.

Luna: Okay..

Luna then proceeded to get on the table as she lays down on her back. Bruce then pulls out a needle as he sticks it in luna's right arm, making the rocker grunt a little as he took a sample of her blood.

Bruce looks at the blood sample as it was a mixture red and purple within it. Placing the sample in the Analyzer scan, Bruce was typing in on his super computer as he was looking at the genetic coding in luna's mutated DNA as he saw a few... miscalculations.

Bruce: Hmmm....

Bruce then begins to experiment with luna's mutated blood sample while Luna herself remained laying down on the table.

Luna: Uhhh.... everything ok Mr. Wayne, sir? Dude?

Bruce: I'm just analyzing your mutated DNA from your blood sample. Although, It's quite stable... but it'll only remain that way for a temporarily while.

Luna: Wh-what?! I thought that I was alright stabilized! They even put this tech like watch on me to keep me from using these freakish powers!

Bruce: True but it seems that whatever they used to stabilize your DNA structure and mutation worked well but at a long, temporary pace.

Luna: Temporary?! What's gonna happen to me, am I gonna become that thing again?! Am I gonna melt away?!

Bruce: Don't worry, I'm gonna try to synthesize a cure for you completely or make a serum to permanently stabilize you. You have my word luna...

Luna was shaking in fear on the table, hoping that Bruce can really help her. She did not want to turn into that... monster again or go back to prison when she just got out and reunited with her four siblings.

Bruce: It'll be okay, I promise... I failed to save one person from this fate, I won't fail another...

Luna: Another...?

Bruce: A famous actor.... he suffered a very similar drastic change as you did. Transformed him into a living being of clay, I tried to help him on several occasions but each time through a life of crime... he wouldn't except it. The man he once was is gone.... past through the point of no return... He was now known as Clayface.

Luna: Clayface..?

Bruce: Yeah... I couldn't help him, he was now a dangerous criminal who can become anything or anyone. Though I couldn't cure him... I could at least protect the people of Gotham from dangerous foes like clayface and others.

Luna: .....

Bruce: .....

Bruce begins to get to work on synthesizing a possible cure for luna's condition, if not, a serum that can fully and permanently stabilize her.

For Luna herself.... she hopes that whichever serum Bruce will synthesize can really help her....

To be continued...

(Chapter 10 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. What's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black...)

LH: Clayface Luna, Moon Scourge Where stories live. Discover now