Chapter 15: Step into the shadows of the bat part 6

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Back at Wayne Mansion, we see Luna carrying Lily to the property in silence. Neither the rocker or Lily said a word since their encounter with Two-Face.

Once they walked up to the front porch, Luna knocked on the door as the door later opens to reveal Alfred, who gasps at the blood on Luna.

Alfred: Good heavens, miss Luna are you okay?

Luna: (lied) I'm fine...

Luna hands Lily over to the Bulter.

Lily: Luna?

Luna: I... I need to be alone right now, Lily.

Alfred: But Miss Luna, your wounds. You need to have them treated.

Luna: I'm fine. It's not my blood, Alfred. It belongs to the other guy....

Luna then went upstairs without another word, leaving Lily and Alfred in worry. The rocker entered her room as she slams her door while removing her blood stained shirt and tossing it aside, ploping on her bed & looking at the ceiling.

Luna: It happened again... I let that "thing" run wild again... (Tears slowly start to fall) but Lily was in danger, I-I-I couldn't let her get killed & it rears its ugly head through my anger and nearly beat that guy with an inch of his life to near death.

Luna sighs as memories of her beating Two Face in a fit of rage flashed into her head, the thing inside of her awakened as I nearly pummeled him into extinction and if Lily hadn't stopped me.... it would've really gotten bad.

Luna wishes she could just curl up into a ball and disappear, her powers were getting even more unstable and more horrible memories of what Lisa turned her into flooded her mind... hurting and killing every person in her path, including Leni.

All the hurtful things said about Luna and her clay behemoth form wouldn't stop playing in her mind, especially the word... monster.

Luna: (sobs) ......

Then something caught the sobbing rocker's eye as she noticed the envelope that Lincoln gave her, containing a disk of Pop-pop's message to her before his passing. Perhaps she could use some guidance and advice on what to do cause right now, the rocker wasn't doing so good.

Reaching for the envelope, Luna opens it and pulls out the desk. She gets out of bed and walks towards the TV, crouching down and turns on the DVD player, placing the disk in the DVD player. Luna turns on the TV and sits down to wait for the video to play.

Soon, the Video reveals a more elder looking Pop-pop/Albert Loud sitting in his chair with his signature smile.

Pop-pop: Hello there Luna, how's my rockin' granddaughter doing?

Luna: (in her mind; small smile) I can say... I'm doing good but at the same time I'm not...

Pop-pop: Lincoln and Luan helped me with this video to talk to you as you probably know.... I've passed on.

Luna nodded with a frown.

Pop-pop: I've heard about what happened to you Luna & I can honestly say that what was going through the mind of Lisa for experimenting on you? What was going through the minds of your sisters and parents to disown you like this? You guys are family, family doesn't experiment on one another like lab rats & what happened on your rampage was out of your control, you didn't mean for this to happen.

Luna: (in her mind) I told them that... I said I was a pawn in lisa's bizarre experiment & what happened wasn't my fault but they still hated & blamed me for ruining their lives...

LH: Clayface Luna, Moon Scourge Where stories live. Discover now