Chapter 13: Step into the shadows of the bat part 4

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We cut to the sewers as Waylon Jones aka Killer Croc lunged at The Dark Knight and his Shadow Bat unit. Batman leaps from the tackle while Grinning Bat and Brood Knight throw a couple of their electro batarangs at the reptilian monster, shocking him.

Killer Croc: Grrraaaaaahhhhh!!!

While Killer Croc was stunned, Batman swoops in and hits a couple of swift strikes to his face before delivering a strong knee to the jaw, making Croc stumble back as Night Fang and Goddess Bat knocked him against the wall with a double front dropkick as Blood Bat & Blood Claw hits a few shots with their steel bo staffs before dodging a strong double hit from Killer Croc. Batman and the Shadow Bat Unit regrouped as Killer Croc pulled the electro batarangs out of his chest, throwing them aside, glaring at them.

Killer Croc: It'll take a lot more than a mere shock to stop me!

Blood Bat: Sigh... you or Penguin don't know what you'll unleash on Gotham if you try to steal the ancient treasure of the Silver Hawk.

Killer Croc: I don't give a Damn, as long as I get my take of the treasure Penguin's digging up, I'll be a very rich man. Ya know... (grins grew even more feral) I have to skip lunch on the way when I heard of Penguin's deal so for food... (feral grin grows) I'll feed on your lifeless corpses!

Killer Croc stomps towards the team as his monstrous appetite and bloodlust to kill was growing by the minute.

Brood Knight: Guess warnings are out the window.

Blood Claw: Any ideas, Batman?

Batman: Killer Croc mostly relies on Brute force but his offense is very lethal, one wrong move and it's over. But when Croc tends to strike, he leaves himself vulnerable to opening attacks. The moment he does, outmaneuver his next move.

Night Fang, Goddess Bat, Grinning Bat, Brood Knight, Blood Bat and Blood Claw nodded with Batman's strategy while they got in a formation stance as Killer Croc advanced towards them, wanting to rip them apart and feed on their corpses.


Meanwhile through the streets of Gotham City, Luna and Lily were taking their walk in the rain.

Luna: So Lily, has Gotham always had this much rainstorms these days?

Lily: Almost every day but not too much I guess....

Luna: Oh ok. So besides walking in the rain, what else would you like to do, Lily?

Lily: Hmmm... what about a trip to the ice cream shop and then a movie?

Luna: Rockin'!

Lily: Here, I know where the ice cream shop is from here. Follow me!

Lily ran through the sidewalk, dodging a crowd of people walking by as Luna followed her as she bumps into a few people.

Luna: Lily, wait up Sis!

Man: Hey!

Man 2: I'm walking here!

Woman: Watch where you're going pal!

Luna: Oof! Sorry! My bad! Excuse Me! Pardon me dude! (Got slapped on her big behind) Gasp! Hey! (Punches the guy in the face) Watch those hands bucko!

Luna got out of the crowd and managed to catch up to Lily, who made a left turn across the street when the traffic light was on red with Luna running after her followed by a far right turn across the street when the light was on green. Soon, the two siblings made a right as Lily stopped in her tracks and so did Luna, who was breathing heavily.

Luna: Huff... huff... (stern) Lily, ya gotta be careful when running around the streets like that, what if you got ran over?!

Lily: (rubs the back of her head) Sorry Luna, I got a bit excited is all. But hey, we're here!

LH: Clayface Luna, Moon Scourge Where stories live. Discover now