Chapter 6: 11 years passed for the Moon part 1

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Luna: (Narrating) my name is Luna.... you may know me as the rockstar of the loud family, well... former loud family since the whole giant clay behemoth attack as I was kidnapped and experimented on by my former science obsessed genius sister lisa...

I hated her to the bone for what she did to me... because of her, I became some kind of clay freak, I ended up going on an uncontrollable rampage in town... injured or killed numerous people, hurt and scared my sibs and put leni into a coma. Then... everything went from bad to worse after lisa froze me and I passed out... I woke up to find myself in a prison cell in a prison uniform, two officers came and got me to see my visitors, also explaining that lisa and a few scientist stabilized my body as I was 50 percent human and 50 percent clay while this weird watch keeps this freakish powers underwraps.

Soon, I came face-to-face with my family and they did not look happy to see me. Two days I've been in jail, everyone we knew was avoiding or hating on my family for what I caused against my will and outta my control... blaming me entirely for their lives being ruined. I told them that lisa was the cause of what happened to me and it was all her fault... but they didn't care, the damage is already done.

I tried to get Luan, Lincoln and Lucy to vouch for me, hoping they would believe me but they were silent and wouldn't even look at me. After bringing up leni and asking if she was alright, lori tackled me to the ground and strangled me, yelling that I put her in the hospital, she got serious surgery and was in a coma for whoever knows how long she'll be in, saying that it's all my fault.

The two officers pulled lori off of me as dad... told me that what I did ruined the family's name and reputation, so he and mom decided that it would be best for the family if I was no longer in it. Sigh... m-my mom... she and the family... disowned me... their own sister/daughter... they said a few cold and hateful remarks before leaving...

It broke my heart.... it felt like they were stomping it into a million pieces... everyone hated me, including my former family, I thought I would be alone but... Luan, Lincoln and Lucy were still there for me as they comfort me before I had to go to prison for 11 years, at least I didn't lose the love and trust of my comedian and goth sisters and only brother. After the hug, I said my goodbyes to them, the three siblings left while I went back to my cell... that was the last time I saw Luan, Lincoln and Lucy.

Entering the prison sentence, so far, I was in despair, I was silently sobbing to myself as I knew my life was over... I might never be a true rockstar like I dreamed of, I feel like I'm never gonna see the light of day again but I didn't want to give in... I made a promise that when and if I'm out of prison, I would see Luan, Lincoln and Lucy again.

A few days I spend in prison was like a crazy jungle, dangerous women 18 and up were already gunning for me, I mean, I've seen a few movies where in prison the criminals male, female or both would gang up on the new inmate like fresh meat. The food there was not the worst but not the best either, the bathrooms and showers.... let's not go there.

Days and weeks went by as I've been a target for everyone in prison, I know how to fight but the woman here were bigger and stronger than me, I kept getting beat up day by day until three woman defended me while the officers try to stop the fight.

The three women were known as the skull pack, the leader and scarlet brawler reby, the muscle and the knife specialist sonya and the silent goth strangler julia. They were the top dogs of the inmates here, anyone who messed with them would know true pain.

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LH: Clayface Luna, Moon Scourge Where stories live. Discover now