Chapter 17: Luna's choice & training

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Once the group took Penguin, Killer Croc and the remaining members of their gang back to Arkham, Batman and the Shadow Bat Unit made it back to the Bat Cave. 

Luna and Lily were there.

Lily: The crew is back!

Luna: Yeah.

Batman, Night Fang, Grinning Bat, Blood Bat, Blood Claw, Brood Knight and Goddess Bat got out of their vehicles and turn to Lily and Luna, who whistled in awe.

Luna: Nice threads dudes.

Night Fang: Thanks.

Luna: So... How did the mission go?

Grinning Bat: Oh it wasn't that bad, Penguin almost doomed the world after unearthing an undead Silver Hawk Emperor Mummy but we put the bird back in the cage and the mummy back in the grave, hahahaha.

Luna: Whoa... Way freaky dude.

The entrance to the batcave opened up with Alfred appearing as he walks in to greet the others.

Alfred: Ah Master Bruce, I take it the mission went well?

Batman: Yes Alfred. The legend of the Silver Hawk Emperor has been laid to rest.

Alfred: (sees the injuries on Brood Knight, Blood Bat & Blood Claw) Gracious, must've really been through quite a scrap. Come, I'll tend to your wounds.

Grinning Bat helps Brood Knight while they along with Blood Bat and Blood Claw followed Alfred, leaving only Batman, Night Fang, Goddess Bat, Luna and Lily. The Dark Knight himself noticed some redness in Luna's eyes & some eye makeup running a bit, under the conclusion that she had been crying, he narrowed his pupiless white eyes at her.

Luna: Uhhh... What's wrong? I got something on my face?

Batman: What happened?

Luna: Huh?

Batman: Your eyes, your eyeshadow.

Night Fang: Luna...? You've been crying. Did something happen to you?

Luna was silent for a moment, she wanted to lie and say that she was fine but something tells the rocker woman that she wasn't going to get out of this through lying, especially with the world's greatest detective. Plus, she was through lying and keeping her personal thoughts to herself after what happened to her & Lily today.

Luna: (sighs) I can't pretend anything's alright dudes.... Okay then, I'll tell you everything.

Luna then told Batman, Night Fang and the others everything of what happened during her & lily's walk in Gotham from enjoying their ice cream to encountering Two Face and his gang during a robbery, Luna was a bit hesitant... But she left nothing out as she tried to fight off Two Face's men, got shot, saw Two Face get ahold of Lily to kill her which awakened Luna's inner monster, who reared it's ugly head through her rage as she viciously & utterly brutalized Two Face to the point where he was nearly unrecognizable. If Lily hadn't stop her when she did, she would've killed him on the spot, got in trouble with the G.C.P.D. (Gotham City Police Department) if she stuck around during her... rage phase & would've been taken back to jail.

Batman narrowed his eyes while Night Fang looked worried & Goddess Bat showed no expression but felt sympathy for the rocker.

Batman: I see...

Luna: I-I'm sorry...

Batman: No need. I'll start working on that cure.

Batman was about to take his leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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