Chapter 7: 11 years passed for the Moon part 2

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It was a stormy morning out in royal woods as we cut to the maximum security prison as we look in one of the numerous prison cells to see a 25 year old luna sitting on her bed, lost in thought with a depressed look.

It was a stormy morning out in royal woods as we cut to the maximum security prison as we look in one of the numerous prison cells to see a 25 year old luna sitting on her bed, lost in thought with a depressed look

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It was her 11th year in the month of june as she was waiting for her time to come. 9 years ago, reby and the skull pack's time in prison was done as they were free to go but not before saying their goodbyes to luna, saying that they had fun with her as well as promising that they would call or write to her, hoping they would see each other again once she get out.

Reby, Sonya and Julia wrote their phone numbers to give to luna and gave her a hug before leaving. Luna was happy for them but at the same time she was bummed out that the friends she had in prison left... leaving her all alone again. Some of the inmates were scared of luna while some tried to beat her only for luna to bash their heads in.

But she still felt sad as she looked out of the small barred window, seeing the storm drizzling outside as the lightning flashed and thunder roared with the winds howling. Luna sighs as she closes her eyes while still sitting up on her bed, dozing off into sleep.

The sound of the steel door being unlocked from the outside were heard as the door opens and an officer about luna's age walks in, seeing luna sitting on her bed, asleep. He places a hand on luna's shoulder and gently shook her awake.

Luna: huh? What? (Looks at the officer and groans) ok.... what did I do this time?

Officer: oh nothing. Your time here is done. Congrats luna, you're a free woman.

Luna's eyes widened in surprise but she didn't say anything as she sighs in relief.

Finally, she thought.

Officer: if you'll follow me please, we'll get you situated for release.

Luna: ok.

The officer walks out of the prison cell with luna following behind him as he closes the cell door. Walking through the halls with the officer, luna was feeling the glares and receiving threats of the other inmates as luna, while not looking at them and had a calm look, flipped them all off as she kept on walking as the inmates yelled angrily with threats.

The officers noticed luna's calm look and what she was doing as he chuckles.

Officer: I see you're 'popular' with them, huh?

Luna: hehehe... yeah.

Officer: hehehe.

Once they were out of the halls, the officer lead luna to his office where luna plops on the chair, crossing her legs as the officer signs her release papers.

Officer: alright, now I want you to sign here, here and here.

He hands luna the release papers as she signs her name in and hands them back to the officer as he takes out a copy of the release papers as he signs and give it to luna to sign. Soon, the officer gives luna a package.

LH: Clayface Luna, Moon Scourge Where stories live. Discover now