Chapter 5: Luna's horrible fate- bad to worse

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Luna: (groans) ooooohhh... my head...

Luna's eyes slowly opened as she sat up, holding her head.

Luna: w-where am I...?

Luna looks around to see that she was in a dim lighted room, brick walls, a steel door that's shut, one window with bars and a bed. She looks at her hands, her human hands.

Luna: I'm... me again?

Then luna noticed a black and purple weird looking watch on her left wrist and sees that she wasn't wearing her usual attire... she was wearing an orange prison jumpsuit and black shoes. Luna gasped in shock and fear as she fully realized that she was in prison.

 Luna gasped in shock and fear as she fully realized that she was in prison

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Luna: I'm... I'm in jail...?! Nononono... this can't be happening... this has to be a nightmare!

Luna then bangs on the steel door.

Luna: hey! Let me out of here! Please there's must be some kind of mistake! Please let me out!

Luna heard the door unlocked from the outside as she backs away from the steel door. The door opens to reveal two officers and they had cold looks on their faces.

Luna: h-hey officers... I think there's been a mistake to me being here and-

Officer 1: ain't no mistake about it kid... we got the right person... Luna loud, member of the loud family aka the giant purple slime monster that nearly destroyed our city and caused numerous casualties, severely damaged or dead...

Luna gulped nervously at the venomous tone in the first officer's voice.

Officer 2: you have some visitors here...

Officer 1: they'll also be your final visitors... as you're gonna be here for a long time.

Luna shook a little as the officers placed her in cuffs before escorting her out of her prison cell. Looking around at the numerous prison cells in the dim lighted hallway and dangerous looking women 18 and up in them, luna didn't want to look any of them in the eye. She looks at the weird tech looking watch on her left wrist.

Luna: hey dudes... what's with the weird watch?

Officers 1: well if you must know, before you were brought here, a few scientists including a small girl with glasses and green sweater injected you with a serum to stabilize you, 50 percent human-50 percent clay. After bringing you here and making a few adjustments to your sentence in this female prison, the small girl went up and left.

Luna growled angrily in silent as she knew that they were talking about lisa, she's the reason she was in the mess.

Officer 2: it also suppresses those monstrous clay powers. And that watch keeps you from doing what you done to our town.

Luna: but it's not my fault, lisa's the one who-

Officer 1: quiet!

Luna instantly shut her mouth, not wanting to get in deeper trouble. The officers escorted luna in the main room where she came face-to-face with her family, who had mixed emotions on their faces. Rita and Lynn Sr had a mixture of slight anger, sadness and disappointed looks, Lori, Lola, Lynn and Lana had angry scowls and Luan, Lincoln and Lucy had saddened looks though lucy isn't really showing emotions but she was deeply saddened. The only ones weren't present were Lily, Lisa and Leni.

LH: Clayface Luna, Moon Scourge Where stories live. Discover now