Chapter 11: Step into the shadows of the bat part 2

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Within the batcave, the shadow bat unit were training with one another while lily was watching them. Luan and Benny was grappling each other to try to overpower the other.

Benny: C'mon luan... yield.

Luan: (smirks) Not even on April fools day honey.

Luan twists and flipped Benny to the ground, placing her foot on his chest.

Benny: Agh!

Luan: Do you yield...?

Benny: Sigh... I yield.

Luan: (smiles slyly) Good boy.

Luan helps Benny up only for him to pull luan in a full Nelson.

Luan: Gah!

Benny: Give up yet?!

Luan: Not on your life Ben!

The two then got into a heated spar.

We then cut to Lucy and Rocky. Lucy was swiftly evading Rocky's hits.

Rocky: Are you even going to attack me back?

Lucy: It's not always about offense Rocky, rely too much on it...

Lucy low sweep kicks Rocky off his feet to the ground.

Rocky: Gah!

Lucy sat on rocky's stomach, knocking the wind out of him as the goth placed her finger on his head.

Lucy: You'll be wide open.

Rocky: Damn it. Ya got me luce.

Lucy slowly gets up and let's Rocky get to his feet as the two started again on their sparring practice.

Then we cut to lincoln and haiku with their sparring practice. Haiku was armed with a metal bo staff while Lincoln was blindfolded in a calm fighting stance.

Haiku readied her bo staff as she quickly lunged at lincoln, leaping into the air while spinning the bo staff as she brings it down to strike Lincoln, who moves out of the way. However, he failed to counter the next strike as he got hit in the head.

Lincoln: Gah!

Haiku: You can't relax, not even for a second. Especially when you're blind as a bat right now within the darkness where anything could strike you at the last second. Rely on your other senses beloved.

Lincoln rubs his head as the blindfolded white haired man got into fighting stance as haiku was circling him with Bo staff in hand. Soon, haiku attacked swiftly as lincoln's instincts kicked in while he blockes each hit that haiku was throwing at him.

Lincoln then dodges the next strike and grabs haiku by her left arm.

Haiku: Gasp...

Lincoln flips her but quickly catches her before she could hit the ground. Removing the blindfold, Lincoln sees haiku blushing a bit as he smirks at her reaction.

Lincoln: Got ya.

Haiku: Oh my, such a gentleman you are...

The two shared a kiss but it didn't last long as haiku took advantage, judo flipping Lincoln to the ground.

Lincoln: Gah!!

Haiku: Hehehe... you dropped your guard, beloved...

Lincoln sighs as he got up.

Lincoln: Hehehe, Well ya got me. Next time, you won't get me with that.

Haiku: (slightly smirks) Don't be so sure Lincoln, I'm too dark and alluring for you to resist... (Pressing her overly large chest on lincoln's chest)

Lincoln blushed redder than a tomato.

Lincoln: S-seriously haiku, we're sparring, not flirting!

Haiku: Sighhhh~.... I love it when you slowly lose your composure~...

Haiku kissed him again.

Meanwhile, Bruce was still working on a serum that would either cure Luna or permanently stabilize her. Luna was still laying on the table waiting for Bruce to finish, already have gotten more samples of her mutated blood. Bruce took his time carefully synthesizing multiple serums to test on luna's blood, hoping to see a good result.

Luna was hoping so too, she did not want to become that... monster again. It still haunts her to this very day following the events in royal woods and what happened to Leni but Luna knew that panicking wouldn't do her any good as she needed to be patient and hope Bruce can help her.

Lily: Luna..?

Luna turns to see lily approaching her.

Luna: Hey baby sis.

Lily had a worried expression on her face.

Lily: You gonna be okay, right?

Luna rubs lily's fluffy hair and giving her a reassuring smile.

Luna: Don't worry lily... I'll be okay, Bruce is just giving me a check up on my DNA. Hopefully, he'll completely cure me or stabilize my body to keep these... powers in check.

Lily: .... Ok.

Luna: Awww, don't be like that lily, I'll be fine. I promise.

Lily: Really?

Luna: Truly Sis.

Lily hugs her big sis but didn't see the smile on luna's face fade into a frown.

Luna: (In her mind) C'mon Bruce, don't make me break my promise to lily. Please....


Narrator: A few minutes later...

The bat wave alarm echoed throughout the cave as Bruce and the others stopped what they were doing and heads to the super computer to see what's going on.

Bruce: A Break in at the Gotham Museum.

Bruce types on the super computer as it revealed an image of two silver feather like Keys, artifacts labeled "Stolen".

Bruce: The Ancient keys of The Silver Hawk.

Haiku: Penguin....

Lincoln: We know who but why...?

Lucy: I've heard of this artifact of old in one of my books, those keys lead to a sacred treasure buried for centuries underneath long before Gotham city was forged but it carries a terrifying curse.

Haiku: If Penguin tries to unlock the krypt underneath Gotham to steal it, it'll be disastrous... Sigh... as in apocalyptic disastrous.

Rocky: Well then, let's stop him.

Benny: My thoughts exactly.

Luan: Let's cage that bird, hahaha!

Bruce: Suit up.

Luna: What about me, dudes? What can I do to help?

Bruce: You stay here with lily, we'll be back.

Luna: (Frowns) Oh... Ok.

Luan: Sorry Luna.

Bruce and the group quickly suit up, geared up and left the cave, leaving Luna and Lily behind.

Luna: Sigh... I understand that I need to stay in order to be cured or stabilized but I'm not weak or defenseless in a fight, I've been in prison for 11 years for crying out loud.

Lily: It's okay lunes, I know you want to help them, I do too but I'm still need training. Let's go upstairs, I wanna show you some things!

Luna: Sure.

The two siblings went back the way they came from the batcave.

To be continued....

(Chapter 11 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter and let me know what you think of it. What's gonna happen next, found out on chapter 12, this is omegacrow fading to black....)

LH: Clayface Luna, Moon Scourge Where stories live. Discover now