Chapter 9: Entering Gotham City: Luna meets Bruce Wayne

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We cut to the stormy sky where we see the Wayne enterprise private jet flying through the massive storm as we see luna and the group having a conversation to pass the time of the jet ride.

Luna: so dudes what's gotham like?

Lucy:  well Gotham city is a place of pure darkness.

Haiku: it's a peaceful city but at the same time it's a place where numerous criminals and insane killers prey upon the weak.

Luna: yikes, freaky. (Drinks her punch)

Lincoln: however, the city of gotham has its protector... a symbol of hope to the people... a solitary spirit of vengeance that strikes fear into the hearts and souls of criminals.

Haiku: the dark knight himself....

Lucy: the Batman..

Luna spat out her punch.

Luna: huh?! The Batman?!

Luan: you know about him?

Luna: (smiles) I'm a huge fan of the dark knight dudes! One of my favorite heroes!

Lincoln: (smirks) oh he is, huh? I thought you and the other sisters said that superhero comics were stupid and for nerds.

Luna: (smiles nervously) hehehe, I did... but some of sound related superheroes and villians got my attention bro, dark heroes and anti-heroes included.

Lucy: sigh... I admit that superheroes are kinda dorky but the dark heroes, anti-heroes, dark magic beings and monsters included peeked my interest.

Luan: yeah, I do love some crazy and bizarre superheroes and villians myself.

Lincoln: hehehe.

Luna: I'm surprised that the dark knight actually exists.

Lincoln: (grins) yeah and he's the guy taking you into his home.

Luna's eyes widened.

Luna: (whispers) Bruce Wayne...

Lincoln: yep.

Luna: so he's...

Luan: (smirks) uh-huh.

Luna: and you guys are living with...

Lucy and Rocky: yeah.

Luna: (squealed) you guys are blowing my mind right now dudes!

Luan: hehehe.

Lincoln: I went crazy too when I found out.

Lucy: we all did... in different ways.

Luna: whoa... I can't believe it, I thought that Batman was a myth, only seen in movies, animated shows, games and comics from linc's point of view.

Haiku: never mix in fictional facts with the real legend.

Luna: ok.

Luan: though Bruce wanted to help you with your clay powers, he also wants us to recruit you.

Luna: me?

Lincoln: yeah...  bruce, along with the help of his own proteges trained me, luan, lucy, rocky, benny and haiku... becoming his apprentices, trying to make gotham city a safe place.

Luna: I see...

Haiku: we are known as the shadow bat unit.

Luna: cool.

Lincoln: yeah so bruce, along with us are going to help you start a new life.

Luna: thanks dudes.

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