Chapter 8: Ride to the destination and reunion

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Hours and hours of driving went by for lincoln and luna through this raging storm. The two siblings were silent during the drive for a few moments until luna spoke.

Luna: so bro... what have you, luan and lucy been up to lately?

Lincoln: well... luan's a famous comedian, lucy's a gothic novelist and I work as a graphic novelist & a security guard for Wayne enterprises.

Luna: Wayne enterprises?

Lincoln: a famous company owned by billionaire Bruce Wayne. A lot of robbers tried to break in on several occasions but I ended up taking them down.

Luna: whoa...

Lincoln: yep, he even helped me, luan and lucy. He offered us to stay at his mansion, we were very grateful as we would work for our own money, we didn't want to ask Mr. Wayne for money as he's done enough for us by letting us stay with him. He's really a nice guy.

Luna: that's sweet.

Lincoln: we also told him about... what happened to you.

Luna frowns.

Luna: oh.

Lincoln: don't worry, he doesn't think of you as a monster. He wants to help you so he told me that once I pick you up from prison, you can live with us in his mansion and he'll help you in anyway he can.

Luna: thanks bro...

Lincoln: no problem.

Luna then noticed a ring on lincoln's finger.

Luna: (grins) is that an engagement ring I see bro?

Lincoln: (blushes; chuckles) hehehe, yeah.

Luna squealed in excitement.

Luna: that's so sweet! My lil bro's finally got a gal to be with! I'm so proud!

Lincoln blushes deeply.

Luna: so who's the lucky girl? Did you and ronnie anne get hitched?

Lincoln frowned.

Lincoln: no... Ronnie anne and I didn't work out.

Luna's smile vanished.

Luna: oh. What happened bro?

Lincoln: nothing bad happened, we just... at age 16, the relationship didn't work out the way we hope it would, the spark was gone in a flash. So we decided to see other people and remain good friends. Also, she doesn't hate you either for what happened, in fact, she was angry at lisa, wanting to experiment on family.

Luna was relieved.

Luna: I see.

Lincoln: yeah, let's just say that ronnie anne wants to do more than hurt lisa if she sees her.

Luna: my thoughts exactly. So who are you married to bro?

Lincoln: you'll find out at the airport.

Luna: oh come on bro, you can tell me.

Lincoln: you'll find out at the airport luna.

Luna: (puppy dog eyes) pleeeaaassse?

Lincoln: that puppy dog eye trick may work on me for some occasions but the reveal of my wife ain't one of them.

Luna: aaawwww.

Lincoln chuckles.

Luna: so... how's pop-pop doing?

Lincoln stops the car, surprising luna as his smile vanished.

Lincoln: well... let just say... (frowns) he's in a better place now...

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