Chapter 12: Step into the shadows of the bat part 3

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We cut to Wayne mansion where lily was showing luna around the place, including her room. Luna really likes this place and was glad that Bruce took her in.

Lily: So whatta you think of my room?

Luna: I gotta say lily, it's quite a sweet room you have there lil sis.

Lily smiles.

Lily: Thank you.

Luna: So how's life in Gotham with Bruce and the others?

Lily: It's been great, been doing good in school too.

Luna: That's sweet lily.

Lily giggles with a smile.

Lily: Here, I'll show you to your room.

Luna: My room?

Lily: Yeah silly! We've been planning your surprise after your getting out of prison. Now c'mon, I wanna show you lunes.

Lily grabs luna's hand and ran out of the room while dragging Luna out with her.

Luna: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Easy on the speed there Lily!

Lily: Hehehehe! Almost there!

Lily ran past Lincoln/Haiku's room, went to the right past Lucy/Rocky's room and head to the left past Luan/Benny's room to the next door.

Lily: Alright, Here we are. Don't be shy sis, open the door to see your new room!

Luna: Ok Lily.

Luna breathes in and out as she reached for the knob and turns it, opening the door to see my new room as her eyes widened in surprise. Her room was huge and well designed for a Rockstar, purple wallpaper and shag carpeting, various posters of her favorite musicians solo or bands. A big closet full of clothes hanged up, a dresser, a desk with a big lava lamp and a laptop. She also noticed a rack full of guitars of all kinds, a large set of drums & some killer amps. She then turns her attention to the wide plasma screen Tv and the huge queen size bed with soft purple blankets and pillows.

Lily: Also, your room is sound proof so you can rock out loud all you want. So big sis, whatta you think?

Luna turns to Lily, swooping her up in a big hug.

Luna: Oh lily, it's rockin'! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Lily: Hehehehe! No problem, I knew you like it.

Luna released Lily.

Lily: I'll give you some time to get comfortable in your new room, let me know if you need anything!

Luna: Ok, thanks lil sis.

Lily nods as she left, closing the door behind her. Now alone, Luna let out a loud squeal of excitement as she plops on her new bed, letting out a happy sigh.

Luna: Ah, this feels so good...

Luna slowly got up as she heads to the closet, looking at some new clothes.

Luna: Well, better ditch the prison look and hook myself up with some new threads.

Luna looks around in the closet, choosing what to wear until she finally found some clothes.

Luna: Perfect.

Luna removes her prison jumpsuit and bandana as she got dressed in her new attire. It was a sleeveless, slightly button up light purple shirt with two skull pockets, black jean pants and purple boots.

 It was a sleeveless, slightly button up light purple shirt with two skull pockets, black jean pants and purple boots

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LH: Clayface Luna, Moon Scourge Where stories live. Discover now