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"That's it?" Jungkook scoffed before turning to face Jimin, he was on the verge of tears from the looks of it and yet his expression was emotionless. "I'd never use you as a replacement... because you could never be her"

"Wow, makes me feel even better.. then why did you take me here?" Jimin stared into Jungkook's eyes, he knew he was being harsh.
They both were.
But it made him sick, he could tell by the way Jungkook spoke that he loved his sister.
The entire day his head was lost in his own little world, why couldn't it be him?
Jimin was selfish, but no matter how mean and crule Jungkook was.
He was allways there some way or another.

"Why? I don't know, because I wanted to come here with you..."

"You could have came alone like every other year-"

"I haven't been here scince then, sorry have I ruined my little cover? Well I admit" Jungkook took a step forward, they were on the side lines away from the busy atmosphere, Jungkook reached forward as he lifted Jimin's chin up with the tips of his fingertips "I was fucking scared of comming back here alone, because I've never forgotten this day. Never forgotten the way she lost her precious life to save someone like you, someone who can't even remember the face never mind the name of the angel who saved them... you took her away from me that day" Jungkook spoke bitterly as he moved even closer, his eyes tearing before he pulled away.
Falling back against a tree as he tilted his head up at the sky.

".... that doesn't answer... my question... why me" Jimin mumbled feeling a sudden gush of guilt flowing over him, so that must of been the reason why he seemed to hate him all this time.
He didn't remember.

"Because... your the one who carries her living within you-"

"Because.." Jimin's eyes ossolated over the others weakened posture as he gripped down onto his shirt thirmly "im the one carrying her organs?"

"No, what i mean is-.... all the life she put into you. All the love, and all the sacrifices she made to keep you alive... your the only thing left of her" Jungkook bit down on the inside of his lip as his breathing became unhinged, off tune with his heart as he felt the vaulting metallic taste fludding his mouth.

He was harsh, maybe a bit too harsh.
But that was the truth, the reason he finally decided to bring Jimin along wasn't only to protect him.
But also wasn't to make him guilty, and yet the moment Jungkook opened his eyes he knew he messed up.
Jimin was long gone, and he was all alone.

"I told you I woulden't be able to get along with him..." Jungkook slid down the tree trunk before gripping onto his hair as he tucked his face into his knees " and yet you were right... but you sure didn't expect me to fall for him did you... I thought it was going to be you..."

"Stop, that's enaugh" a voice spoke from aslide when suddenly a arm wrapped itself around Jungkook's shoulders "you just confessed to us all, but the one person you should be telling this to was Jimin..."

"Taehyung.. I lost him..."

"I know.... but it seems like you lost yourself too" Taehyung mumbled beneath his breath as he pulled Jungkook into his chest, holding onto him tightly as he stared ahead.
It wasn't often that they could get this close, Jungkook wasn't one to open up or show his true feelings.
But this was the second time, he remembered the first time they found themselves in this position.
It was on the same day as this.

He watched it all, the way it started and the way it ended.
Jungkook wasn't as tough on the inside as he was on the outside, which was why Taehyunv knew better than to leave his side even at his worst days.
He let everything build up untill it was too much even for him to handle.

"It's ok... im sure she'd be happy to see you two are getting along now, remember what she said?" Taehyung hummed as he ran his fingers through Jungkooks hair, it was hard to see someone so strong crumble in the palms of his arms "no matter where you are, what you do she will allways be here" he spoke as he lifted Jungkook's hand before pressing it against his chest.

"Wow... and why are you crying?"

"B...because it fucking sucks to see you hurt like this..." Taehyung looked down before feeling Jungkook's hand patting the tip of his head only for a smirk to re-appear over his lips "stop, it doesn't suit you... but thank you this is the only time I'll say this but... im glad I have you around"

"I don't, your a right old pain in the ass you know" Taehyung scoffed while rubbing away his tears only to feel a sudden vibration in the pocket of his ripped jeans.

"What is it?"

"We've found him.. and its not looking good"

"We'll be right there, Jungkook let's go"

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