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The steps got heavier, even the sky coulden't uphold the weight of the kingdom above as the fog begun to snake around the narrow streets.
The heels of his feet echoing through the rooms before he came to a sudden stop as he stared forward, he knew better than to come here unarmed.
But then again he had no other choice.

"What are you planning to do."

"What's it to you? Didn't you say you had things on your side under control?" The younger clicked his toung staring down at his phone, only 5pm.
A couple hours before the festival start, before his plan was to come in action.

"Unfortunately, Mr Jeon has came back unharmed. Meaning his security is now unpenetrable... this is our last chance" the old man stated harshly as he stared down at the younger male, gripping onto his chin thirmly before yanking it up harshly "don't fuck it up"

"Says the person who messed up everything else, i'll compleat this no matter what" the younger spoke as he smacked away the others hand, glancing to the side before his gaze fell back onto the elders bitter expression "ill do things my way, so don't you dare intervene at any given point. I, unlike you, have everything under control."

"And the boy?"

"The boy? Oh... you mean Jimin? He has nothing to do with any of this so-" a sudden discomfort built up in the younger males throat as he looked back over at the others sinister grin, this wasn't what he planned.

"Arnt they close? To insure our success we can't lave any possibilities untouched, you've gotten closer with that boy too haven't you?" The other scoffed with a click of a toung "he will trust you, unlike Jungkook. Making sure that he will arrive there, just make sure that if the plan is to happen. You need to dispose of all evidence, and that counts any witnesses"

"Like I said, he had nothing to do with any of this..."

"Oh, is someone beccoming weaker by the second? Let me tell you one thing boy, life isn't fair. You need to go against it to make sure you get what you want." The words that left his fathers mouth sure were gag worthy, but he had no such power to sand against him in war.

"Speak for yourself, I just didn't want more work on my hands"

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