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The low rizen fog fell as it disenchanted into the living stock which cradled the built land, a frosty tune skimming across the air as the silicone smoke fell from Jungkook's lips.

The days had begun to turn colder by the day, though today was better than the days which had pased, this day was consumed by the dark insubstantually vagrant clouds.

"Jungkook are you even listening?!"

"No, because your making no sense" the male let out a half concious sigh as he leant against the bench in a tiresome manner before noticing two familiar figures in the distance, heading towards them.

"Yes it does, you just hope this didn't make sense don't you? Because you feel like he will hate you again of he finds out" Taehyung sighed as he slipped his finger against the others shoulder lightly.
"You think i didn't know? Every time something was going on behind his back you allways tried to stop it. Which was why the moments you acted so crule made it all so much more confusing because you cared"

"Can you just shu-"

"I know, know about that little girl Jungkook, she forgot didn't she? She forgot. But you still reme-"

"Didn't I just tell you to shut the fuck up." Jungkook aimed his voice as his body tensened, his teeth slowly lowering into the inside of his lip as he tilted his head, the life fading from his eyes as he observed the others expression disintegrate "how could she remember if she is dead? Tell me that Mr know it all"

"Looks like I came in the wrong time... but i have some good news" Namjoon grinned as he reached his arms "looks like i found our little culprit, meet Jin. He was behind the event in the storage roo-"

Namjoon choked as Jungkook rushed forward, his eyes red from within.
It was something much darker than anger which caused him to grip onto Jin's shirt before yanking it towards him, only for his hand to be held down by Namjoon who shook his head in response.

"You really think he'd do that without a reason? For now everything is under control so he is able to help us, but this is mearly a shortly allocated time." Namjoon sighed as he finally set Jin free as he took a step back behind him, struggling to fix his shirt as he rubbed the back of his neck.
What washe expecting?
"Im not sure if Taehyung was able to tell you just yet, but it seems like the one behind it isn't your mother. We have had 24 hour surveillance, but we are confident that someone close to her has created this mess"

"Elaborate, your blabbing doesn't help so get to the damn point."

Time was running out, and you could see from Jungkooks eyes.
That whatever was the worst case outcome may have not been too far from possible reality, this wasn't going to be the first nor the last time he'd lose someone like this.
And they all knew that.

"Me and my team have observed a male named Ian Min, in our backtracking he was allways the person to whum all the connections lead to. One of them being the misfortunes in which Jimin hand been targeted" Namjoon spoke clearly, pushing Jin forward with one hand while with the other he held onto him lightly.

"He is here to help, not to hinder us. Like I said we all have our reasons sometimes. Now Taehyung. Hoseok needs you right about now to compleat the settings, what we have to do is not to lose Jimin." Namjoon sighed as he chucked a small device over at Jungkook carefully "he isn't the vocal point of this all, he is a mare distraction. Which is the reason for us to be extra cautious, because it means his life doesn't have a high price"

"I know that already"

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