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"Someone came to the rescue, but he is fine here"

"Leave him out of this, let him leave" Jungkook spoke harshly, his hand pressed against the doorphrame as he stared across the room.
His breath evaporatong in small uneven pants, the moment he found out that Jimin was with that piece of work Jungkook left no time to waste before getting there.
And now be stood there still, eyes set on Jimin who layed piecefully againt the concreat ground.
Now that Jimin was there he couldn't be careless, not this time.

"Why should I" Yoongi mumbled as he slowly bent his knees, his eyes set on Jimin as he crouched down beside him.
His fingertips running through his soft fluffy hair "he truly is beautifull, I wonder what those lips could do. Oh nevermind I do-"

"You little-" Jungkook took a step forward only to see a glimmer of light bounce off of the blade which was loosely tucked inbetween the others fingers, smirk emerging from the corner of Yoongis lips as he tilted his head to the side.

"Should we take this outside? We don't want to wake the sleeping beauty now do we" Yoongi hummed as he begun making his way towards Jungkook, signaling for him to move along as he glanced back at Jimin apologetically.
This was for the best, he would leave Jimin be for now aslong as he didn't interupt he would be safe.
As Yoongi looked back ahead a hint of excitement rang through his toung as he looked back, oh how he loved that expression.
The hate Jungkook carried through the painfully stricken gaze.

"What do you want? Money?"

"I want you dead" Yoongi spoke bluntly in a matter of fact tone as the smile which he held over his lips faded, sweet true colours.
Jungkook felt it, the goosebumps the moment Yoongi shot a sharp glare towards him.
He wasn't afraid, but the realisation that this hate came deeper than from the mare fact that Jimin liked him made him cautious.
Because it meant that Jimin wasn't as important in this equation as he initially thought.

"Hmm... sorry but I don't make worthless little wishes com true" Jungkook replied as he tilted his head to the side with a grin the moment his eyes fell onto Yoongi's bandaged arm, oh how his expression darkened in that moment. "So it was you- you were the one who attacked Jimin wern't you?"

Jungkook tightened his fist the moment Yoongi glanced down at his arm before looking back up with a emotionless expression, this wasn't good.

"Just hurry up and let's get over and done with before he wakes up" Yoongi groaned as he vaulted forward, watching Jungkook tumble backwads from the sudden impact as they clashed onto the ground.
Back flat against the ground as he heard the now pepetual ringing radiating from the back of his had, busted.

Jungkook let out a slight groan before he shot his foot out, creating distance between them begone he bolted his leg forward harshly causing Yoongi to fall a couple metres back allowing Jungkook to get back up onto his feet as he quirked hishead up to face the ceiling.
Guess this wasnt as much of a game play as he initially expected it to be, defenatly something to do with his father's company.

Which only pissed Jungkook off further, why'd he get Jimin involved?
It didn’t make sense, it truly didn't add up, but this wasn't the time to question as he ducked down.
Missing the bladed end by a mare second as he spun his leg, tripping the other once again before holding him down.
Wrapping his big hands around his wrists before chucking the knife aside.

"You sure are quite desperate to dispose of me, and why may that be?"

"Just die already" Yoongi groaned as he jerked his knee up right into Jugkooks crotch before spinning around so that he was now ontop, his hands wrapped atound the others neck as he pushed all of his body weight down onto his arms.
The haterid in that boy sure was intoxicating, and yet the hate wasn't even directed towards Jungkook.

This was his last chance, he had to get it right.

And he would if, if he didn't hear a fair voice comming from beside the hallways.

That was the last thing he wanted, but now he had no choice.

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