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Jimin stood there silently outside his doorstep, watching cars drive past as if in slow motion as he stared ahead into the afternoon light.
Feeling the soft bland wind grazing past his cheeks as he kept his hands close, pressed gently against eachother as he gripped onto his thumb the moment he noticed a dark car stopping a few meters infront of him.

He had no idea, Maybe he woulden't have.
But he was glad he knew, he didn't want to be in the dark anymore than he already had.
He wanted to know everything, about the past and the present.
But that didn't mean it wasn't going to be hard, even more so once all the thoughts came rushing in.
It was stupid.
It wasn't like they were lethal, but whatever they were they were enaugh to make Jimin feel his heart press against itself in a desperate attempt to sabotage his pulse.
It hurt.

"You look great.."

"Thanks" Jimin mumbled beneath his breath as he gave the other a smile, he raised his eyes after fixing up his jumper only to watch as Jungkook's eyes flew over his head.
He wasn't even looking.
Maybe Jimin got it all wrong, the only reason Jungkook was being so nice to him now was to make his sister happy.
If not that he woulden't have cared, he did it all for someone Jimin coulden't even remember.

Then again she must have been a great person, she humbled and domesticated Jungkook the feril wolf.
And that said something.

"What's up with you? Your mind left your body or something?" Jimin blinked as he felt his face being raised up as his face met the others scrunched up brows, Jungkook's eyes sure were beautifull.
Dark and heavy with a tint of light.
But that expression of his was scary and ugly.
Before Jimin could even respond he felt Jungkook's fingers slipping into his hair, he could feel something graze lightly against his skull.
Clipping onto his thick hair the moment Jungkook pulled away with a small hidden smile.

"Clear your head will you? Unless I'm the one you're thinking of" Jungkook spoke in a slightly comidic manner only to recieve a small flush from Jimin who rolled his eyes to the side as he gripped onto Jimin's arm before heading towards the car.

"I was joking but" Jungkook hummed before glancing over at Jimin from the corner of his eyes, it sure suited him.
The small dangling crystal flowers attacked to a wooden pin.
His sister sure would have loved it, but he was too late to give it to her.
He hated him, for the longest time Jungkook coulden't help but loathe the other.
Afterall he was the reason he lost her, and yet only recently Jungkook realised.
He was still a part of her, they both protected the smaller male togeather.
And she is still there beside him.

"And you were the one who told me not to doze off..."

"Its pretty hard not to with you beside, you sure out did yourself today-" Jungkook spoke before clearing his throat and looking away, away into the dark coat which fell over the baby blue sky.
Not a single light being brighter than the moon which shon above their heads.

Today was the day, and the day seemed to be wrong.
Because a day like this shouldn't look so beautifull, so lively.
The way the post lit up with fairly lights which lead them up the small hill into a dream like bathway, it was enchanting.
The way people laughed while fishing the small plastic ducks from the stand in order to win a small prize, or the couples dancing on the lightly lit grassed land.
Simmering golden in the burning flames of a forbidden bird.

"Can I...ask you something?..."

"...lets leave the questions for later, how about we enjoy this... I didn't nsasarily want to come here" it reminded him of her "I did it for you" it still feels fresh, the bludgeoned wound in the side of his chest.


{{ Question}}

I've written the next fiew chapters!! Should I post them all at once tomorow? <3

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