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"Who does he even think he is-" Jimin hissed as he stormed forward, feeling his heart bounding though his vains as he finally settled down by a small cherry blossom tree.

He should have known that Jungkook wouldent finish with his selfish antics, yet he was naive enaugh to believe that Jungkook actually cared, but in the end he was right.
He wown't change.
No matter how much changed between them.

"Jimin where were you? After you left i tried looking for you but-" Yoongi stopped as he felt Jimin's arms slipping around his shoulders, soon feeling Jimin's heart bursting against his as the smaller pulled him into a light hug, his head resting flatly against Yoongi's chest.

"W...what's wrong-"

"Its nothing... just wanted to thank you for being a truthfull and caring friend" Jimin whispered only to feel the other pull away instantly as he gripped lightly onto Jimin's shoulders.
"Ok this is just getting silly, i know something happened. Tell me." Yoongi spoke harshly as he stared into Jimin's eyes as the smaller turned his head to the side.

"Its nothing really, i just realised something i already knew.."

"Well... how- about we go out togeather?" Yoongi sighed as he rubbed his thumb against Jimin's cheeks before letting his hand graze past the smallers neck. "You seem really tense and i bet some good food will help, and maybe then you will tell me whats wrong" Yoongi smiled in a dotting manner as he took Jimin's hand into his as they begun walking away.

Yoongi could swear that someone was watching him, and not in such a pleasent way either.


"You should have been more gentle Jungkook.."

"Gentle? I nearly died last friday and it sure wasn't a Coincidence that there were two hidden cameras in the room" Jungkook rolled his eyes as he threw small pebbles across to the other side of the rooftop, finally noticing Hoseok who was glued to his phone beside him.

"And why is he here, Namjoon is usefull but him?"

"Because im here to tell you the obvious" Hoseok sighed as he slipped his phone back into his pocket slowly as he streached his arms with a cocky smile over his lips.
"All those videos, they get sent around. Find the person who spreads them and you will find the director"

"No shit sherlock, but how do we find the person who sends them out" Jungkook crashed his back against the fence, it was frustrating.

"Well we will have to observe Jimin...
But there is one more thing that is quite interesting"

"And what is it?"

"Has Jimin even seen those videos? He looks overly calm for someone who's future may be on the line" Hoseok sighed as he pulled out his computer from his bag.

"Ofcourse he has... well i think so"

"You see, because im guessing that these arn't even real. Just look at them"

"Now that you mentioned it" Jungkook tilted his head as he scanned over the photos "scince when has Jimin had a belly peercing-"

"Man.. if i was a girl id be all over you right now" Taehyung spoke hysterically as he fell to Hoseoks lap, Jungkook was use to his stupid remarks.
But the flush over Hoseok's cheeks seemed like he hadn't gained the ability to ignore him just yet.

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