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"You cock sucking big eared dolphin"

"You sure are running out of insults to call me"

The sunshine male laughed as he burried his face into the carpet which was bombarded with dirty pillows and crisp packets, its been a while scince he cleared out the room.
He let out a small sigh the moment he saw the dirty surroundings that may or may not have been there for the past couple of weeks before glancing back up at Taehyung.

"You don't want to play anymore? You scared you will lose?"

"Huh? Its not that" Taehyung rolled his eyes while glancing to the side at Hoseok who layed over the carpet with one of the console's inbetween his hands. "Its Just that i haven't seen Jungkook on the way home, and he acted really wierd today..."

Though the raven haired male wasn't the most amazing and kind hearted person out there, he did have some good in him.
Its just that most of the time he didn't know how to deal with the good, so he replaced them with bad.
Which was why Taehyung really did feel sorry for Jimin, but at the same time he felt like there was something there pulling Jungkook towards the smaller.
Weather it was attraction or something platonic, Jungkook was going to realise sooner or later.

"Ahh Taehyung when are you finally going to stop this, he doesn't give a damn about anyone"

"Stop that, you know thats not true."

"Oh really? Then what about the party? And all those times he tormented that poor inocent Jimin"
Hoseok sighed dramatically, he didn't undertsand why Taehyung stuck by him all this time.
Jungkook was not too far of being a monster, a blood thirsty monster who just allways seemed to get away with everything he did.
"Hah you make me laugh, everyone else is just as bad as him for letting him do the things he does and cheering after. You do the exact same"

Hoseok joilted as he begun feeling a burning sensation over his chest, only to glance down and see some wet sticky cheese sause covering his brand new shirt, man if he wasn't in a good mood he'd make Taehyung pay for the washing bill.

"Fuck .. ok well then give me one time that he didn't fuck someone over"

"The time he saved Jimins life" Taehyung rolled his eyes before lifting his phone, he was about to dyle Jungkooks number before remembering that his phone had been smashed, so for some reason he felt the urge to call Jimin instead.
That was untill he got distracted by Hoseok who turned around bursting out in laughter.

"Well damn, looks like Jimin is spending his night with class"

"What do you mean?" Taehyung raised his brows before snatching Hoseok phone away, sure someone answered Jimin's phone.
But it wasn't Jimin who was on the other side

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