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Today was the day the pink moon was supose to shine through the placid sky.

Though it might seem slightly childish, Jimin thought of it like a cherry floating in the sky ready to be freshly picked from the hanging tree of stars.

"Jimin!! Wait up" shouted a voice from behind, Jimin felt a warm sensation as a arm wrapped around his shoulders before pulling him inwards "look what i found" Yoongi pressed play on a video showing a small coala rolling side to side causing Jimin to chuckle as he glanced up at Yoongi who's face was only milimetres away.

"Those are cute, where'd you find those" Jimin smiled as they kept walking through the school grounds, blocking out the glares from around them as Yoongi stuck up a middle finger with his free hand while looking back with a slight glare, only softening his expression for Jimin who placed his fingers beneath Yoongi's hand.

"Im secretly a Animal lover you see" Yoongi sang in a jarring manner on purpouse of course.
Anything to see that cute little smile form over Jimin's cheeks.
Yoongi noticed the pair of eyes watching them from aside making that feeling that much better as Yoongi glanced back down only to feel a vibrating sensation as a picture suddenly popped over the screen causing his body to tensen.

"Are those your parents?" Jimin hummed as he glanced up at Yoongi who looked so suddenly distant, as if he had seen a ghost even though he had a soft smile over his lips.
"Well not technically, its my dad and his girlfriend" Yoongi mumbled softly beneath his breath as if he had remembered something, but his expression wasn't one of sadness, nor fear.
It was a pleasent flare over Yoongi's face.
"Well she is soon to be my mum, she still has some problems on the way with the company because she has it under her old husbands name. But after thats all over we can finally be a family"

Yoongi spoke tiresomly as if expecting Jimin to find it boring as he switched off his phone.

"Wern't you going to pick it up?"

"Not really, we had a slight argument before school started" Yoongi shrugged his shoulders before placing his phone back into his pocket "i need to give it time to cool down a bit.."

"Its fine, you know im here for you if you need it.. remember we are friends" Jimin spoke lovingly as he placed one hand over Yoongi's head, feeling the others hazy breath as he stared into Jimin's eyes.
Seeing Jungkook in the reflection sure gave Yoongi a sudden urge to lean in, and he did as Jimin's lips were now pressed softly against his momentarily as he saw the male in the distance glance over with a unreadable expression stapled over his face.

"W..what are you doing-"

"Hu- oh um sorry.. i actually um ... i sort of lost my balance ...so i tried to be cool and act like it was on purpous" Yoongi quickly moved his face to the side once the smaller pulled away, Jimin's expression frozen as his eyes blinked in off beat tunes before a small chuckle escaped his lips as he covered his mouth with his small hands.

"Your such a wierd dork" Jimin chuckled at Yoongi who slowly yet nervously begun to laugh after.

"Its really ok, its not like anyone saw it"

"Yeah... your right" Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck before glancing down at his watch, cursing lightly before rushing backwards "damnit im late for a meeting! Ill see you later chimmy!!" Yoongi smiled in a gently conniving manner as his back faced Jimin.
His devious tendencies hidden so brilliantly behind a painted fasad.

But man he coulden't disagree, those lips were heaven.

"I think it would be better if you stay away from him" Jimin heard from behind, but the moment he was about to turn around to face who it was he felt a arm falling over his eyes leaving a spot of darkness in his vission.

"What? W...who ?" Jimin muttered under his breath as he slowly turned his head to the side.

"If you know whats best, you will stay away."

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