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One step forward, that's all it took. One more step and he would be past the gate of hell which barricaded his freedom.

Honestly Jungkook never understood rules, why even listen to them when everyone around you breaks them faster than the time it takes a chicken to cross the road. Now that would be one hell of a turn of events.
But even if he hated this dump he constantly had to be in the top 2%, that was the beauty of having strict parents, they don't give a shit about anything but grades. Adleast thats what the people who gave him life were like.
Aslong as they had something to brag about to their friends, then nothing else mattered.
He couldn't help but feel cranky at the very thought if it.

"What are you standing around for, lets get going"

"You just had to interrupt my highly therapeutic session of contemplating life" Jungkook groaned as he sent one sharp glare the side as he recieved a light smack from the male beside him who begun dragging him through the tall open bars.
Such a hideous place.

"Oh how ive missed your constant mumbling" Taehyung sang before turning his head as he begun scanning around for a certain person while resting his arm around Jungkooks shoulder loosely, the irritation on the others face couldn't possibly be recreated.

"Firstly, i don't mumble. Second of all, who are you so eager to find?" Jungkook leant back against a wall in a tiresome manner as he wacked away the others arm swiftly, only to find the other wooed off his feet in an instance as there in the distance, walking with a thirm step, was Hoseok side by his sister, walking with the rest of the group of whum were considered as the popular kids.
His friend really was aiming for the stars, and it sure didn't look good for the long run.

"What is it? You into horce ass or something?"

"Pft are you nuts? Look at his sister man, she's like from another planet" Taehyung fluttered his eyelashes as he pulled himself upright, picking up a can of pepsi from the inside of his bag while his eyes apectated the two in the distance, compleatly ignoring the expression of disgust that radiated from his best mates face.

"I bet they have some sort of brother sister complex, just saying-" Jungkook clicked his toung bitterly as his eyes set aside, he wasnt interested in all that lovey dobbey sentimental stuff.
And yet once he turned his eyes to the side all his attention fell.

"You don't know what your talking abou- wow... now look who's the one being distracted" Taehyung rolled his eyes as the raven haired male noticed a small figure in the distance, it looked like this day wasn't going to be so mundanely deadly afterall.
The short male had stepped onto the school grounds, alone.
But that was nothing new, there was a food chain and the small male just happened to be at the verry bottom of it.
Thought it might seem crule it was great news for Jungkook, because no one would interrup his daily seance's.

"Pass over your pepsi."

"Huh? Get your ow-"

"Now." Jungkook licked the side of his lip as he snatched the can out of his friends hand before taking long steady strides towards the smaller male who was carrying a stack of papers.
And Jungkook was oh so happy to help.

"Better watch where your going kitten" Jungkook grinned as he bumped into Jimin, causing the smaler to wince as he felt a sudden gush of liquid falling from above before a empty can collided with his head, it felt like time had suddenly stopped as he heard the clanking of the tin can which had collided with the ground beside his feet.

Jimin hated the way his gut tingled as he looked up, there he was.
Mr international fuck boy in person, it would have been funny if Jimin's hair wasn't covered in some stupid diet pepsi which drizzled down his now gauzy clothes.

Yet Jimin kept silent as he bit down on the inside of his lip.

"Well havent you missed me? Don't worry. We will have plenty of time to make up for the time we've missed" Jungkook spoke in his deep smoky voice as he kicked the can away, the constant brassy collision echoing through Jimins ears."ill see you later pipsqueak"

// Hi there,

Feel free to ask any questions, or just be quirky in the comments section.
I'll reply to as many as i can.
And most importantly

Enjoy ♡

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