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"Honestly... i don't even undertsand how you survived this far in the real world" Jungkook blurted out as he lossened his grip around Jimin's hands, placing one hand behind the smalers head before rubbing his fingertips against Jimin's soft locks of hair which wrapped around Jungkook's fingers so gently as he felt each of the others tears burn into his clothes as he glanced to the side.

"But the big queation is who that was... not only that but why are you acting so wierd today" Jungkook sighed as he glanced back down at Jimin who's face was burried comfortably in between Jungkook's ribcage as a small droplet of seliva rolled down his cheek.

"And out he goes" Jungkook groaned as he swiped Jimin's off of his feet, his small body fitting perfectly in Jungkook's arms as he rested his head against Jungkook's shoulder, far into his dreams to react as Jungkook used the tip off his thumb to rubb away Jimin's kid like droole before walking along the long narrow pathway.
"You could have adleast given me a warning, but it seems like someone is being careless"

Jungkook didn't really want to interups Jimin's little nap, but unfortunately under the current circumstances he had no choice as the moment he got to Jimin's house the doors were locked shut.
Though he would have checked Jimin's bag it seemed like the smaller had left it in the allyway.

Fir Jungkooks luck Jimin didn't budge as he kept his eyes closed, no matter how many times Jungkook tried to shake him awake.

"For fuck sake you snoozing cockroach wake up" Jungkook groaned as he arched his neck backwards before slipping his phone out from beneath his pocket, moving slowly.
Making sure that Jimin woulden't slip out of his grasp, it's not like he cared although it would be a pretty shame.
The expression over Jimin's lips was truly priceless in many ways.

"I might aswell leave him here-"

"Oh look who it is, i thought i warn-" Yoongi was about to say when all of a sudden he saw Jimin piecefully curled body pressed against Jungkook's chest, his lips arched open so gently as his lips glistened in the afternoon sun.

"It's not what it looks like, he fell asleep and i can't get in."

"Let me take him home with me, it's best if he stays away from you" Yoongi sighed as he stared over at Jungkook, watching the others eyes sharpen as he glanced down at Jimin with a grunt as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Actually from what i recall it would have seemed that im not the one he shoud be weary of" Jungkook smirked as he watched Yoongi retreating his arms behind his back with a flaccid smile painted over his lips.

"Im sure your winner complex is getting to you, but-"

"Oh look at the time" Jungkook sighed hysterically as he tightened his grip around Jimin.
"It's cut the bullshit o'clock, what a coincidence. Now listen here turtle neck, im not telling Jimin anything because i feel nice. But that wown't last long, but go ahead and test my patience"

"For what its worth you know nothing, because i truly do care for Jimin"

"Good for you, now scram" Jungkook scoffed with a cocky grin as a car stoped by the pavement beside him, watching Yoongi's expression tighten as Jungkook placed Jimin in the back seat "also say hi to mum, from me and dad. Hope that vacation in Florida is going well, or should i say the vacation with your flimbsy dad"

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