[ Imayoshi ] - Childish l

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"Imayoshi, hurry!" You signal the tall slender megane towards you. "You are going to miss it!" You screamed, turning around to see the beautiful fireworks that began to shoot up in the pitch black sky, coloring it with vibrant sparks of light. "It's beautiful..."

"You sound like you've never seen fireworks before... (F/N)." Imayoshi, your childhood friend that you had a huge crush on, was at the top of the stairs, walking closer to you. "So childish." He laughed, resting his elbows on the bar preventing you two from falling off the cliff. You huffed, lightly pushing his sturdy arm. "What?"

"I'm not childish, Imayoshi!" You pouted, stomping one foot down. Imayoshi chuckles, his eyes slowly making their way down to your chest.

"Hm? Well your body sure tells me you're still a child." A dark smirk appears on his face as you quickly cross your arms across your chest. A red blush spreaded on your face, all the way to the tip of your ears.

"I-I'm not a child! N-nor is... m-my body!" You stutter, trying to think of a comeback to his remark about your physical and mental state being similar to a child's. The black-haired megane raised an eyebrow, amused with your response. He swiftly wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him until his face was barely hovering above yours. You could feel his right hand gradually moving up, cupping your left breast.

"Care to prove me wrong, (F/N)?" He cooed in your ear, leaving you speechless.


[ A/N: So this one has a little more... touching in it. But it isn't that bad, I think. I really wanted to write an Imayoshi one because I suddenly fell for his sly ways. >< Gah, I tried to portray his personality as best as I could, hope it was good enough. ]

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