[ Kise ] - Lucky/The Worst

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"Ryou is the worst." You teasingly say quietly. You followed that remark by sticking your tongue out, but the blond boy didn't see it because you had a white medical mask over your mouth and nose.

"Ne~ You are the worst (F/N)-cchi." Your friend Kise counters back, "Oh and if you couldn't see my beautiful eyes behind my sunglasses, I am rolling them." He adds under his breath, making you giggle.

You two continued to walk on the rainy streets to your apartment, your arm looped tight around his. If you got to choose, you would have just called a taxi. But because Kise insisted (and begged and whined; you get the point), you agreed to take the much longer and crowded route home. This was no easy task and you knew that from the beginning, which was why it took all of Kise's charming abilities to convince you to let him walk you home like the gentleman he was. But enough about that. In the end, all that matters is that he succeed and you guys were now laying low as you tried to make it home without being bombarded by the occasional lucky fans.

"I haven't been able to walk out like this in awhile. With practice and photoshoots," Kise sighs, taking another deep breath in to allow the fresh air of wet leaves and flowers explore his lungs before exhaling it all out.

"And girls," You remind him to which he chuckles and nods.

"And girls. I have been super busy." He continues, shifting back to pull the hood from your fur-lined jacket over your head. You stay quiet and lower your head, allowing your (H/L) (H/C) locks to frame the sides of your face. You did this in attempt to hide the deep red hue that formed on your pale cheeks from his kind gesture.

"So, (F/N)-cchi. Got a cute boy on your hands since I have been busy?" Kise nudges your side, and in the corner of your (E/C) eyes, you swore you could make out a playful wink from the teen.

"He's in my arms right now." You mutter lowly under your breath with a cheeky grin on your face.

"What was that, (F/N)-cchi? You can speak up you know, no one will discover we are in disguises." Kise asks, leaning down so that his pierced ear was close to your face. "Don't be shy! We are best friends!"

Best friends. Right.
You and Kise were best friends. How could I have forgotten such a vital piece of information?

"N-nothing! I-I said nothing, baka!" You stammer loudly in response, taking your free hand to push his head away. "Jeez."

Kise only scrunches his face and straightens up. And for reason, his scrunched up face still looks adorable. [Oh how fortunate beautiful people are.] The red hue never seems to leave your cheeks, along with the grin that you were desperately trying to hide.

"I know, you just don't want to tell me." The GOM member shrugs, "-because if you did, he would totally be discouraged that you have a best friend (like me)!"

You stopped in your tracks, in which Kise stops too. He looks at you with concern and bewilderment.

"Ryou-" You begin softly and his smile drops as he gulps. You stare at his adam's apple which bobs before continuing. "That is the dumbest thing that I have heard." Laughter poured out of your plump pink lips as your legs move forward.

"Wow! You had me worried for a second for nothing. Cruel girl." The male shakes his head, joining in the laughter with you right after.

"I don't like anyone." You state, finalizing this topic. Kise only dishes out the skeptical 'Mhm, okay there.' To which you reply with a cold glare.

"Okay, okay. I believe you, (F/N)-cchi." Kise puts his hands up in his defense as you two make it through your apartment entrance.

The smell of laundry detergent filled your nostrils and lungs as you two skipped up the stairs. Light brown wood lined the floors and the white walls accented them. You always liked the atmosphere your apartment gave off; calm, peaceful, & organic. Kise liked going to your place from time to time (more like most of the time) since it was filled with older residents who didn't know who he was.

You made it to your apartment door and unravelled your arm from his (And of course, you regret doing so). Kise just leans on the space beside your door casually, even politely greeting your neighbor next door who had just returned from the grocery store across the street. You manage to finally get your door open and you step inside, turning to see Kise on his phone.

"Well aren't you going to come in, you bum?" You joke, walking over to him. He only stands at the door frame with a big smile on his face as he shoves his phone back into his pocket.

"What's with the extreme smile, Ryou-ta~? You ask, emphasizing the ta since you were restricted from adding it in public.

"I can't stay today. You know- actually probably not. But the model in the recent magazine I was shot in? She wants to meet me for a few drinks at her place." Kise answers, "sorry."

"Oh... No! All good. You have fun with that model and don't drink too much." You force a playful chuckle to hide the fact that he was leaving you to meet up with a much hotter girl. And most likely to bang her. But that wasn't Kise's fault, who wouldn't refuse her offer? "Thanks for walking me home."

"No probs. Maybe I'll get lucky today." Kise beams before waving you good bye. You stand by the open door as he disappears before shutting it closed.

"So were you not lucky with me?" You whisper, locking the door before heading to your bedroom. "Oh Ryouta, you really are the worst."


If only I had just kept you in my arms longer, would you have still went?
A/N; I am going blind and desperately need glasses.

Have you guess ever heard of the family zone? , Kougou-sama//11.02.2015

[ And not the incest stuff, ugh ]

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