[ Murasakibara ] - I'll grow up

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"I said no sweets until after dinner." You press your hands on your hip, denying the child in front of you.

"B-but my mom always gives me candy when I want it!" The young girl shouts, stomping her tiny feet. Usually you won't have to deal with this, but today was an exception. Your best friend, (B/F/N), had to go to a wedding and she needed someone to watch her child when she was gone. That someone happened to be you.

"Well I'm sorry, but no is no." You shrug, not bothered by the way the child was behaving. The kid began to cry, and their wails had woken a large giant up.

"Neh~ (F/N)-chin, what is going on?" The purple-haired male walked into the kitchen, reaching over you to grab a bag of his chips.

"Hey! Why does he get snacks!?"

"He doesn't, sweetheart." You reply to the kid, swiping the bright bag out of your boyfriend's hand while pecking his cheek lightly. "You have to wait as well."

"But (F/N)-chin! Those are my chips!~" Murasakibara pouted, attempting to take the chips back. You hide the bag behind your back and the purple titan easily retrieves it from you.

"Atushi..." You sigh as he opens the bag, giving a handful to the chiming kid.

"Thanks! You are cool!" The child beams, leaving the kitchen with their goal achieved.

"Are you kidding?" You scoff, striding back to the cluttered and full sink to wash the dishes. "I said no, Atsushi." You drop a large pot into the sink, causing loud clattering sounds.

"What? The kid wanted snacks, so did I.~" Yosen's center shrugs, leaning on the counter with his forearm.

"But you can't just cave in." You raise your voice, scrubbing hard at the dishes earlier from breakfast. Murasakibara just looks at you, slipping chips into his mouth. "What!?" You shout, dropping the sponge and dish into the sink to stare back at your boyfriend. His eyes widen, surprised at your reaction to him peering over you.

"(F/N)-chin is no fun. Always angry." He replies, yawning as his eyes slowly close. "It wasn't like they were going to die if I gave them a few chips." Murasakibara shrugs, crumbling the empty bag of chips in his large hands.

"I am trying to take this seriously, Atsushi." You snarl, wiping your wet and soapy hands onto the apron you were wearing. "You are like another child I have to watch. I only signed up to watch over one kid, now two." You add, folding your arms across your chest. This was ridiculous.

"Are you calling me a kid, (F/N)-chin?" The titan pushes off the counter, standing over you. You take a step back, tilting your head up to speak to the male. "Didn't I already prove to you that I am not a kid last month at my house?" He grunts, and memories of that night flood into your mind. He was your first too.

"Well I can't afford for you to be a child." You frown, and the titan looks at you with bewilderment.

"What are you talking about, (F/N)-chin?" He wraps his long and sturdy arms around your waist, nuzzling his face into the corner of your shoulder and neck.

"I'm pregnant." You exhale sharply, frightened at what Murasakibara might say or do. "I felt sick ever since we had...erm, and (B/F/N) helped me go to the doctors to check... He said it was positive. And I know it is yours, because-"

"You only had sex with me." The purple-haired male finishes your sentence, moving his head back to get a glimpse of your watery eyes and blotched face.

"I know we used protection, b-but I am so sorry..." You whimper and your boyfriend only pulls you into his chest, stroking your (H/C) locks. "(B/F/N) asked me to take care of their kid to gain experience and..."

"It is okay, (F/N)-chin~" You sob into his shirt, causing large wet stains. "I won't leave you if that is what you are thinking."

"Huh?" You look up at the smiling male who held you tighter in his arms. He cupped your wet cheek with one of his hands, wiping your tear with his thumb.

"I'll grow up." Murasakibara answers, pressing his forehead against yours. "I'll grow up for the both of us, and the baby.~" You could feel the corners of your lips being pulled up. You stood on your tip toes to gently kiss him on the lips, happy to hear that he was willing to change.

"I'm so glad."


A/N: ♡♡♡ I really have nothing to say, LOL.


Hope you enjoyed, Kougou-sama//06.21.2015

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