[ GOM ] x MR - Pure minded

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Pronouns such as "he, him, etc." will be used since the reader is a male.

"Her ass is the best. I swear the things I could do to it." You heard a classmate chuckling as he began to air slap a supposed "butt." ...He was going to hit her? That's not right! Worrying, you quickly passed the open door, running to find your group of friends.

[ Time Skip ]

"Akashi-kun!" You pant, bursting the gym door open as your scramble through it and to the red-haired emperor.

"What is that matter?" Akashi looked at you with a worried expression, examining your body for any injuries or so. "Are you hurt?" You shake your head, and Akashi's lets out a breath of relief. "Then what is it (L/N)?"

"Hey! Are you fine? I saw you running down the hall all scared." Aomine shouts as he enters the gym with Kuroko and Kise behind him. You nod and focus your attention back to Akashi who was fixing his white blazer.

"We might as well call Murasakibara and Midorima now that the team is almost here." Akashi suggests, taking a seat on the bleachers nearby. You follow in his steps, taking a seat beside him.

"We are already here." The green-haired shooting guard walks in with the giant who was busily munching on a bag of potato chips.

"Ne~ I don't want to have practice today, Aka-chin.~" Murasakibara whines as he plops himself down on the bleachers. Akashi frowns before turning to you, asking you why you came to see him.

"Akashi-kun... It was terrible. (Male classmate's name) was talking in the classroom and said a girl's b-butt..." You stutter at the word butt, slightly blushing, "He said he was thinking about all the things he could do to it and then he was doing this!" You imitate the boy's actions, swinging his hand down on an air butt. "We need to do something! H-he's going to hurt her!" You frantically shout, clutching the neck folds of your blazer quite tightly.


"Hahaha!" Aomine bursts into laughter, falling hard onto the waxy gym floor. "He doesn't mean it like that! He means he wants to stick his di-"

"H-He's just kidding! He was probably telling a joke!" Kise interrupts the teary-eyed bluet who was holding the sides of his stomach that began to ache from laughing too much.

"Eh? Kise-kun, what kinda of joke was that? It wasn't at all funny!" You frown, shaking your head in disappointment.

"Well some people make crude jokes, (L/N). It is just something we must learn to ignore." Akashi pats your knee, giving you a soft smile before turning to Aomine to give him a death stare.

"What!? He might as well know. Guys love butts, but the boo-"

"Aomine-kun, shut up." Kuroko blantly interrupts the angered teen who was throwing a mini tantrum that everyone just seemed to ignore. "(L/N)-kun, it was nothing. Don't listen to Aomine-kun. He's telling lies." Kuroko says, giving you a soft smile before turning back to Aomine.

"Tetsu is lying. I'm telling the trut-!!"

"Waah!~ Aominecchi, stop that! Stop trying to confuse (L/N)-cchi!" Kise butts in, running to your side to force your head direction away from Aomine. You are speechless, trying to process everything into your pure mind. Akashi must have noticed as he broke the silence that lingered in the air.

"Nevermind that, (L/N). How about we go get some ice cream?" Akashi suggests as the GOMs nod their head in agreement, especially Murasakibara.

"Mkay." You stand, suddenly realizing your forgot your wallet in your locker. "Gah. Go without me, I'll catch up! I have to grab something." You skip out of the gym, leaving the GOM behind you.

[ Time Skip ]

"Akashi-kun, are you sure Aomine-kun didn't want to come with us?" You ask, licking your blue popsicle.

"Affirmative, do not worry about it." Akashi replies, looking at Kuroko for reassurance. You nod, focusing back on your ice cream.

"...Mido-chin, where is Mine-chin?" Murasakibara whispers, making sure that no one but the green-haired teen heard him. He had left earlier than the other GOMs at the word ice cream, which made him clueless.

"Akashi... Akashi gave him a punishment for trying to impure (L/N)'s mind." He replies, shaking his head in disapproval. "So right now he's..."

[ In the gym ]

"Curse that red-haired midget! Curse Tetsu!" Aomine shouts, polishing the gym floor.

"Hurry up Daiki. I want to go home!" Momoi whines, sitting on the bleachers, watching the blue-haired teen curse to the air while wiping the floors.

"...That's what I get for tryna inform the boy. Tch."


A/N: Hahaha, I really like this request. It is adorable!~ I haven't been feeling well and all, so I apologize for the late requests. Hopefully my days coming will be better.

Until next time, Kougou-sama!


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