[ Akashi ] - Only you ( Part Two )

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To understand what is happening in this story, please read "[ Akashi ] - Only you ( Part one)" Other than that, enjoy!

"I'm not lost, but thank you for asking." You reply with a sharp tone, diverting your gaze away from his heterochromatic eyes that stayed focused on you.

"It doesn't seem that way, (L/N)." He let out a soft chuckle. Let alone hearing that for the first since forever, he also called you by your last name.

"What do you want, Akashi?" You spit out harshly, crossing your arms over your chest. "Actually, what are you doing here?" Your (E/C) orbs meet with his eyes that used to have a stare that could burn through human flesh.

"I could ask you the same question, (L/N)." He smiled at you genuinely before speaking again. "I am attending Rakuzan High from now on. It offers only the best, so I decided to study here for high school." You let out an obvious sigh of disappointment, could it get any worse? Just great. Your ex-boyfriend of 6 years was now going to attend the same high school you were going to. So much for a great beginning.

"I see." You nod, still disappointed at his answer. "Well, I need to get going. I think (Best friend's name) is looking for me. Bye." You quickly turn, not even bothering to wave good bye to the redhead. Now where is she?

[ Time Skip ]

"Hahaha, you are so funny!" You hear giggles coming from an empty classroom to your right. Freaking Seijuro. Coming to the school I'm attending. Trying to act as though nothing ever happened between us. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. You walk past the classroom, spotting your best friend sitting on the desk with the orange-haired boy from before.

"(Best friend's name)?" You ask, as the two stared at you, trying to contain their laughter that filled the classroom and the hall.

"Oh hey, (F/N)-chan! Come here, this is Hayama-kun." She gestured you to come closer before she lightly slapped Hayama's arm in a flirtatious way. "Hayama-kun, this is (F/N)-chan, my best friend." Hayama gave you a small wave as he smiled at you, showing his snaggle tooth.

"Nice to meet you, Hayama." You wave back as you grabbed a seat next to your best friend. A loud ring began to chime as Hayama grabbed out his bright orange phone, reading the text he just got.

"Oh! I gotta run, Reo-nee says we gotta meet our new captain for our basketball club. See ya!" He jumps off the desk, winking at (Best friend's name) before sprinting out of the classroom.

"He's so cute.." Your best friend cooed, pressing her hands on her cheeks. You giggle at her actions, pulling her hands down lightly. "Hmph. So meet anyone new since you've been here?" She asks, moving her eyebrows up, then back down.

"Not anyone new. More like, someone I haven't seen in awhile." You reply, sighing as you remember your encounter with Akashi Seijuro.

"Oh cool! Who?"

"Sei-chan." You frown. That term hasn't escaped your lips in months, and quite frankly, it just felt weird.

"Oh... That guy." (Best friend's name) rolled her eyes, pouting at you. "Just your luck, hey?" She gave you a light pat on the shoulder as she shrugged. "What are you going to do?" What are you going to do? You couldn't possibly ship him to another country, or force him to move schools... You just had to bear with it.

"I don't know, honestly. Probably just ignore him for all of high school." You answer, putting on a fake grin that showed your pearly whites. (Best friend's name) began to burst into laughter, confusing you.

"I-I," She attempted to speak, only to be interrupted by her laughs once more, "I know you, (F/N)-chan. You won't ignore him, only because you can't." You stared at the white polished floors, in-taking her words.

"I will. Just you watch."


A/N: This one-shot story is taking too long, so I am going to move it to a different story itself. You know, one for just Akashi Seijuro. I hope that is fine. Yeah. So read the story that will update each week instead if you want to continue reading it.

Much love, Kougou-sama


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