[ Aomine ] - Aomine Jr.

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God, please be negative. Please, please... I'm not ready yet. I'm begging you. Oh god...

You quickly woke up, wiping the sweat beads that formed on your forehead. "Ugh, thank god it was just a dream." You lightly chuckled in relief, staring at your sleeping dark blue-haired boyfriend. He was always so cute in his sleep. You focused on his rising and dropping chest before going back to sleep yourself.

[            ...         ]

The sound of cries and deep lullabies filled your ears as you opened your eyes, squinting at the light shooting into them. "What in the world?" You kick off your covers, walking into the hallway of your apartment. "Hello?" You follow the sound of the cries, only to find Aomine cradling a tanned, (H/C)-haired baby in his arms.

"Thank god you are awake, (F/N). I haven't been able to make her stop crying." He yawned, practically throwing the baby into your arms. "I have a basketball game today, so see ya!" He chuckles, shoving you out of the way as you try to quiet down the baby. 

"Daiki? Daiki, what the frick? Come back!" You shout, running through the hall to try to reach your boyfriend, only to have tripped down the stairs.

[          ...         ]

"Hey! (F/N)! Wake up!" You woke up to Aomine hovering over you, shaking you until your eyes fully opened.

"Where's the baby? Why did you throw her at me like that? Why would you do such a thing!?" You scream at him, nearly crying. To his surprise, Aomine was speechless. He let out a long sigh before holding you into his arms.

"Nightmares again?" He asked, stroking your (H/L) (H/C) locks as your rested your head on his shoulder. You nod. You felt so cold and you couldn't stop shaking. "Hey, it isn't real." He explained, wrapping a blanket over you, then pulling you into a hug once again.

"But Daiki... You... You just left me alone and I-" You whimpered, biting the bottom of your lip.

"(F/N)." Aomine stopped you from talking about your nightmare any further. "I was with you when you took the test, right? Yeah, I was nervous as hell and I may be a bit of an asshole, but I love you." He explained, still stroking your hair. "Remember what I told you right after?" He asked, staring deep into your (E/C) eyes.

"Y-yeah, I do." You smile, remembering the exact words he had told you when you showed him the positive pregnancy test.

"I told you that even though it scared me to be a dad, if it was with you, I was willing to change and support you and Aomine jr.-"

"What if it's a girl?" You beam up, causing the bed to slightly bounce.

"Okay, okay.. (F/N) jr. or Aomine jr. Aside from that, I said that no matter what, I wouldn't leave you. Look? I even got my parents to help support us by getting our own apartment room together, right?" He chuckled, staring down at your protruding belly. "I'm glad that I get to be a parent with you, (F/N). I couldn't imagine it with anyone else, not even Mai-chan." Your jaw dropped when he said that, and you crossed your arms, playfully pouting.

"Mai-chan?" You crinkle your nose at him, turning your head away from him.

"Hey! I said not even Mai-chan!" He replied, bending down to kiss your belly. You giggle as Aomine slowly dropped pecks on your belly, gradually making it to your neck, then your lips. "We're going to get through this together, alright? This kid will have your beautiful looks, plus my hot looks. Which is a win-win for it. Your intelligence and my basketball skills... Aomine jr. will be perfect!" He grins, rubbing your belly.

"Or (F/N) jr!" You snap back, smiling at him.

"Or (F/N) jr... Actually, I think that's better." Aomine plops his head back down on the pillow, patting your pillow to signal you to lay down with him, and you obey.

"Daiki... Don't you think we're too young though? I mean, we're still in high school..." You frown, barely touching noses with the tanned teen.

"We are pretty young. But I don't think there isn't anything the both of us can't tackle head on, right? I mean, we should have done more head than with our-"

"Daiki! Stop right there!" You cover his mouth before he could finish his sentence. You could feel your face heating up as he chuckled under your mouth before kissing it.

"Ah, right. You still feel uncomfortable talking about that 'stuff'," He lowered your arm, intertwinning your fingers with his. "Man, with a baby on the way, you seriously still can't talk about it?"

"Be quiet, Ahomine. Good night!" You pout, shutting your eyes. This time when you went back to sleep, there were no more nightmares, only sweet dreams of the future with you, Aomine, and your upcoming baby.


[ A/N: Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I just found this request hidden in one of the past one-shot comment sections and I seemed to have missed it. >< I am soooo sooo sorry. I have been really busy with keeping requests up and all that 'good' stuff. So here you go! I hope it wasn't too late.]

REQUESTS ARE KINDA? OPEN. I don't have the heart to turn them down, to be honest.

Please when requesting, either message me (I don't prefer it because my inbox is so messy) or request in the recently posted one-shot. That way I won't miss it!

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