[ Reo ] - Big Bang/Queen

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"I don't want to do this anymore." You sit in front of your station, applying the second layer of gloss to your full lips. Your secret fiancé, lowered himself to level his head with yours, pecking your cheek as you frown into the mirror.

"I know you don't want to," he sighs, "and I don't understand why you push yourself to continue." The black-haired male shakes his head, extending his legs to stand tall. "You really don't have to do it, love."

"Reo-san! Finish with (L/N)'s hair, she is going up soon!" A lady shouts from behind, you two turn to see her pacing back and forth with a clipboard in her hands and the tip of a pen in her mouth.

"She is done!" Reo replies, placing the crown on your head. "Just one more walk, finish your career with a bang, my queen." You force yourself to smile, dreading the thought of going out there once more to expose yourself to the hungry public.

"With a bang, got it." You stand up and Reo backs up, allowing your dress to flow without any blemishes on it. "Love you, Mibuchi." A glossy, sticky, lip print stains the male's cheek before you two depart. You, to the stage and he, to another perky model waiting for her debut.

"I love you too."


"And next up, the queen of the show! Miss (L/N) (F/N)!" The speakers blared throughout the venue, announcing your entrance. You take a step out, your (favourite colour) 6 inch heel poked out pass the red velvet curtains to tease the awaiting crowd of fashion enthusiasts. The tension was high and you take a deep breath to calm your nerves. You were already a veteran at this, a top professional that was basically a universal symbol for elegance, poise, and utter beauty in the modelling industry. This was just another catwalk that you must dominate. It was the same old, boring thing.

"I can't wait to see her! I came all the way from around the world for her!"
"Oh god, I see her foot! She's finally coming out! The queen is finally coming out!"

You hear the crowd mumbling amongst themselves, barely containing their excitement to see you. Nothing changed. The frantic fashion designer comes up to you, putting on the last finishing touches to your breathtaking outfit which he considered his best masterpiece ever! You stand still, allowing him to adjust the large crown on your (H/C) curly locks. His fingers brush your sensitive skin, touching you tenderly with care as if you were a fragile porcelain glass doll. "Look fierce, yes?" He drops his arms down to run his hands along your hips, smoothing the (favourite colour) silk fabric of the long dress. You nod, keeping your light pink plump lips closed in a tight line. "And you are ready! Do as you always do, just walk."

"..." One last breath before heading out. Do as you always do. Walk as you always walk. That was it. Nothing more. You slip pass the curtains, allowing the velvety fur to sweep along your bare arms. "..." It was only a second before cheers and clapping roared from the audience. The spotlights positioned near the catwalk hit your dress perfectly, emitting the most sparkling effect, causing your fans to go crazy each step you took. You kept your face expressionless, only talking with your icy cold (E/C) eyes. Click, clack. Click, clack. Your heels hit the hard shiny stage once more as you performed your signature twirl. What you hadn't notice before heading out was that your left high heel was severed slightly pass the middle mark by someone who aimed to sabotage you, someone who succeeded. In the mere seconds following after your twirl, you found yourself in a blur, unable to steady yourself from falling into the stage fast.

"Where did she go?!"
"What happened? The (L/N) (F/N) fell?"

You had shut your eyes tight to embrace the hard marble white floor, only to find a pair of hands under you. Your (E/C) eyes that were once icy and cold, had softened, just like the rest of your features. "Stay quiet, yes, love?" Your fiancé held you tighter in his arms, holding you closer to his chest as he swerved through the beams supporting the stage. You nod, trusting him with your adored and envied body. His heart beat quickened as he took each step, knowing very well the consequence of kidnapping a worldwide well-known model. This was going to be the Big Bang that ended your career, setting you free from the chains of the horrific modelling industry that pushed you to your limits, used you, exposed you, and scarred you. It felt as though it was only a minute before the mall announced a full lock down until they find you.

"Mibuchi..." You whimper, your dress tearing from being caught on some of the beams. You didn't mind the dress being ruined, but the cuts into your once smooth, blemish-free skin did. The tall male gives you a small apologetic frown before pushing pass the glass mall doors, and into the car he had parked there before. "What is th-"

"Your dress, I have a change of clothes in the back." The former Rakuzan shooting guard gently placed you down before unlocking his car. "Be quick, alright?" You gulp at his orders, tearing the rest of the (favourite colour) dress off until you were only down in your (favourite colour) lingerie. The breeze pressed against your skin, causing your small hairs to go up and goosebumps to form. You've never felt this rush of adrenaline in your body, and it excited you.

"Where are the clothes?!" You harshly whisper, rummaging through the excess dresses in the backseat. It wasn't a big surprise that your fiancé had extra dresses in the back, it was expected of an assistant.

"Here." Reo points to a small bag at the bottom, covered by a blue silky dress. You snatched the bag and zipped it open, slipping on the grey T-shirt and black basketball shorts. You turn your head to look at Reo who was now in the driver's seat, struggling to get the engine working.

"I-I think it is them!"
"Go get (L/N)! Now!"

Your gaze and Reo's, head straight to the glass doors, covering the few security men and fashion designer running towards you too. You slam the back door closed, jumping into the passenger seat before the black-haired male got the engine working. A sigh of relief escapes your lips as the car obeys, driving away from the mall.

"What was this about?" You chuckle, trying to regain your breath at the same time. The excitement showed on your face and Reo sped through the streets to get away; the adrenaline, the feel of danger, of real world life... It was all new to you. You couldn't remember the time where you weren't treated like a Barbie doll.

"Well, didn't I say you were going to retire with a Big Bang, love?" Reo smiled, giving a pink hue to your pale cheeks.

"You did." You find your hand grabbing his hand that was on the armrest. He glances at you once before turning back to the road. "Thank you so much." Your voice was quiet, but happy. You move his hand to your chest, where your heart laid under, pressing his hand down so that he could feel your rapid heart beat. "I haven't been thrilled or this happy since forever." You explain, leaving his hand on your pumping heart. The shooting guard chuckles, savouring this moment he had with you. "Where are we going?" You ask, turning your eyes to the road and empty fields before you. The view was magnificent and it took your breath away in mere seconds. The sun had already gone down, only leaving the moon and stars to brighten up the dark blue sky. Street lights lit up and only the few car lights shone when vehicles passed by.

"Wherever you want to go, my queen." Reo replied, moving his hand up your chest to cup your cheek. The warmth of his hand was enough to drive you mad. A tear found its way down your cheek and with a single swipe of his thumb, it was gone; only a wet smear was left on your pink cheek.

"Queen? I'd rather not have that title anymore." You huff, grabbing the crown off of your head with your free hand. The gold and white jewels were only a painful reminder of how they treated you, the isolation and no privacy thing. You threw the crown out the window, letting it smash onto the grey pavement, shattering into small bits and pieces. "I just want to be your queen." You add, closing your eyes. As long as Reo was there, you didn't mind not being found at all. The black-haired male hummed a tune as you fell into a blissful sleep, looking forward to your new life tomorrow with your soon to be husband.


A/N; Finally mustered up all my courage (and tissues) to watch the last episode of KUROKO NO BASKET. Let me tell you... Seijuro. My poor husband... I nearly choked and died on my tears from watching him cry and be a good sport about it. Then the picture of all the GOMs and the epilogues for the teams! A part of me is now missing. Thanks for the wonderful manga/anime...

We will be the best in Japan, Kougou-sama//07.01.2015

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