[ Kagami ] - Treatment l

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"(F/N)... Can you do me a favour?" Kagami asks, rubbing his nape.

"Sure thing. What do you need?" You reply, happily. It was your job as the team's manager to make sure everything was going well, including players. Kagami just signals you to follow him into the nurse's office as he climbs on the bed, face down.

"M-my calves really hurt... From the jumping I did at the game with Shutoku. Can you massage them before practice starts, p-please?" Kagami stutters, his face flushed from just asking you. You smile and begin to knead his tense, yet toned calves. You could hear groans of satisfaction and relief from the muscular teen. "I really appreciate it."

"No problem. It is my job, isn't it?" You giggle, continuing to knead until Kagami hoists himself up from the bed. Surprised, you help him, allowing him the sit on the bed with his legs straight. "What is wrong?" You ask, seeing the frown on his face.

"N-nothing. It is just that, everything you do is because it's 'just your job.' But I want to know if everything t-that w-we have done was... You know, to fulfill your duties as manager." Kagami sighed, turning his head to avoid eye contact with you. A deep red blush spreader on his face as he tried to hide it.

"W-what are you talking about?" You question, leaning closer to Kagami. Before you knew it, Kagami had placed his large hand behind your head, pulling you closer to him.

"This." He says before pulling you in for a long passionate kiss. At first, you were taken aback by his actions, but sooner or later you began to enjoy it. You tugged on his collar, signalling him that you were out of breath, and he parted lips with you. His blush only continued to deepen, as well as yours.

[ Knock Knock ]

You both turned your head to see Koganei standing at the door, panting from all the running he did to find you two. "Wait! (F/N), can I get Kagami's treatment too?" Koganei asks, beaming with excitement. You laugh and turn to see Kagami who was staring at you as well.

"No, that treatment is for me, and me only." Kagami grins, pulling you into another kiss.

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