SPECIAL! [ Akashi ] - Happy Birthday

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This one-shot is to commemorate the Emperor Akashi Seijuro's birthday! Happy birthday, my darling.

The red and yellow leaves of fall had shriveled up and the jack-o-lanterns from Halloween had all been blanketed under a white gleaming sheet of snow. White snow flakes that lightly flew down from the blue skies in the chilly breeze and onto the snow only added to the piles that erased the previous season. Fortunately, the sun was out (for once) in the cold season, and it just so happened to be today that the Gods above allowed this day to be sunny and well. December 20th.

To most people, this day would just be another day leading to Christmas or just another day in December. However, it held great significance to you. It was a special someone's birthday that you held close to your heart and in your home at all times.

"Happy birthday," You whisper under your breath as your frail body trudged through the snow. "Seijuro." A white mist of water flew from your pale chapped lips that formed into a delicate thin smile. You could sense a smile back from the red-haired male as you unfolded a chair beside where he resided.

"Before you say anything," You say, plopping down into the chair, "I wrote you a letter that I decided I would like to read to you." Your hand made its way into your thick jacket pocket to grab out a folded sheet of lined paper. "You know how nervous I get with this kind of stuff, so please bear with me, okay? Seijuro?" You sheepishly add as your watery (E/C) orbs kept focus on his red eyes. "Okay, here I go."

  Dear Seijuro,

  I could tell you I love you a million times and yet it would not be enough to express all my love for you. I could give you a billion kisses, yet that too, would not satisfy the quantity.

 I remember when we first met. You were the son of a rich business man and I was just a shy waitress working at the corner coffee cafe. You always liked coming to that cafe, especially during my shifts. I thought you really enjoyed coffee, however it was until you said it was my presence you enjoyed. It was because I listened to your problems and never cut you short. But I too, was able to tell you my problems and you managed to find a way to fix them without breaking a sweat. So it was on your birthday, you had asked me on our first date. And even though we were quite a few years apart from each other, I agreed.

One date led to another and each time you surprised me. First, it was to an American circus that happened to be performing in Kyoto. I was never a big fan of this stuff, but it might have been because my parents never took me. I enjoyed it, sincerely with all of my heart. I thank you for finding a way for me to pet the lion. It was a new experience for me and as much as I promised to repay you for your kindness, you told me not to worry as long as I went on a second date with you. Of course, I said yes once again.

Our second date was a bit more romantic. Dinner on the rooftop of your father's building. Let me tell you how frightened I was to go up there, but after several comforting words and your stable and secure hold on me, I mustered up all my courage and went up. I never regret going up because the view, oh gosh... The view was just so spectacular and breath-taking. After we finished dinner, we just enjoyed the view and that was when you stole my first kiss. I suppose stole sounds bad, but you were really a clever one. You held me in your arms close enough to hear my rapid heart and with your thumb, you claimed that there was something on my lips. And rather than wiping it away with a napkin, you pressed your soft lips against me and got rid of it. You even admit there was nothing on my lips afterwards, and when I was all red and panicky, you just lightly chuckled before kissing me once more.

Now it was after multiple dates and a year [I believe] after our first date that you decided to celebrate your next birthday at your house, with just you and me. We had loads of fun with just the two of us. Who knew your pool was be so entertaining? I was never good at swimming, but you said it was okay since you let me ride on your back the whole time as you would playfully go under the water to drag me under as well. However, you knew my limits and always came back up in time and got either a scolding or a make-up kiss from me. After that, you let me borrow your clothing, which was rather large on my figure, and we watched a movie in your room. As my gift to you, under your clothing, I had bought a special something... I remember when I stripped and the look on your face... I remember it as if it were yesterday. You were constantly asking if I really wanted to give it to you, and I really did. You promised to be gentle, which you were, and I was so glad to have made it the best birthday for you. You let me sleep in your arms after that intense... erm... And when it was morning, you thought I was still asleep. So you kept kissing my bare shoulders, all the way up to forehead and whispered I love you(s) in my ear until I opened up my eyes to stare back into your loving red orbs.

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