SPECIAL! [ Kuroko ] - Its been awhile ( Part two )

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In order to understand what is going on in this one-shot, please read Special! [ Kuroko ] - Its been awhile. That is, unless you just want to read this without any additional background information. You go for it.

"D-do you want to..." Your voice and body seemed like it was no longer your own as you stood up. The feeling of your legs could be easily compared to jelly every time you shot a glance at him. It really was Kuroko Tetsuya; your former boyfriend of 4 years.

He just stared at you with his icy blue eyes. He was waiting for you to finish speaking, but his eyes instantly closed up your throat. What right did you have to speak to him? You were the one that broke his heart by cheating behind him with an asshole. You had no right to. But... you wanted to, and that made all the difference.

"Ahem," You spit out, clearing your throat. "Sorry about that. Would you like to sit down and have a drink with me?"


The fact that he stayed silent scared the hell out of you and definitely brought a new awkward atmosphere between you and him. That was the new thing. You and Kuroko were always warm and open to each other. Whether it was just you guys cuddling on the couch in silent or talking nonstop at night, it was never so cold that it gave you chills on a summer day. He just stared, probably thinking your offer through. You wouldn't be surprised if he said no. But you would definitely feel a small stab at your heart knowing you were the reason why it ended this way. No, stop thinking like that. This can't be the end of your once strong relationship with the former Seirin basketball player.


"Okay." Kuroko cut you off, opening the glass door as he gestured you in. He must have made a quick decision since you guys were blocking the entrance of the store. You bowed with a wide grin (you were desperately trying to hide it though), and he followed after along with a few other patient people who waited outside for Kuroko to make up his mind.

You lined up for your drink and Kuroko's as he sat at a table beside the window to reserve it. His eyes were focused on the cars passing by, along with a few pedestrians and dogs. Oh god, he was as handsome as always. The lady behind the counter called your number and you quickly retrieved the drinks before making your way to Kuroko. You sat down across the table from him and handed his drink, the straw already in the way he liked it. He thanked you quietly before taking sips as if waiting for you to spark up the conversation since you were the one that asked if he could join you for a drink.

"So..." Your fingers lightly drummed a beat on the edge of the table, as if mimicking your rapid pumping heart. Your (E/C) eyes wandered around the store; to the bright fruit lanterns hung above your head to the little girl who clung to her mother's arm. You glanced everywhere, everywhere but Kuroko.

"I haven't seen you in long time. How has it been?" The voice addressed you, demanding that you looked back into the owner's eyes. "(F/N)-san?"

"It has been..." Good? No, of  course not. Not with Kuroko by your side, that is. The time you two were apart, you were in pieces. After the break up, you stayed in your home and never left the bed. You cried yourself to sleep and in the morning, you always were greeted with red puffy eyes. It was tough, but you managed. And on a nice bright morning, your feet moved on its own to get up. You washed your face, fixed up your hair, put on your favorite clothes and went out with a few friends. You went back to work, and got a side job. Hell, you even lost 5 pounds with your morning runs that you added into your schedule. So, really... Things were good. They were great.


"Things have been pretty good." You answer, a soft smile finding its way to your pink cheeks.

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