[ Midorima ] - The best remedy l

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"Achooo!" You sneezed, feeling horrible and gross. When everyone was outside enjoying the snow day, you were stuck in bed with the cold. You could hear footsteps coming up the stairs and you were praying for it to be something that would cure you of your sickness.

"H-hey..." There stood a tall, muscular, and slim figure at your door; your boyfriend. "Your door was opened and I let myself in... A-Are you sick?!" The green-headed boy jumped back, giving a disgusted look.

"Shin-chan... I need a hug!" You sniffled, opening your arms for a hug.

"N-no way, nanodayo! You'll get me sick!" He shouted back, slowly sliding his way into the room with his back brushing the wall. "I have important games coming up!" He intensely stared at you as you dropped your arms on the bed.

"But you're my boyfriend and I am sick... Shin-chan!" You called out, a little irritated at your boyfriend's response. "So come her- Achoooo!" You sneezed, grabbing a tissue to wipe your nose. "I need a hug..." You pout, as Midorima slowly makes his way to you.

"Shouldn't you be asleep, (F/N)? You need rest, nanodayo." Midorima pulled the covers over you as you laid your head down.

"B-but what I need is a hug!"

"A hug isn't going to help you when you're sick! What logic is that, bak-" Midorima cleared his throat before speaking again. "Go to sleep. I'll make you some soup and get your medicine ready." He strokes your head before making his way to the door.

"Okay Doctor Shin-chan..." You smile, snuggling into your covers before slowly falling to sleep.

--------------------------------------------[ After a while... ]----------------------------------

"You feeling okay...?" You woke up to Midorima sitting on your bed, placing the tray with a bowl of miso soup beside your bed.

"Feeling much bette- Achoooo!" You sneezed into another tissue, causing Midorima to quickly jump up and off the bed.

"By this rate, being with you will make me definitely sick, nanodayo!" Midorima complained before seeing the slight frown on your face. "I-I made you soup..." He picked up the bowl and sat back down on your bed.

"Okay." You sat up and opened your mouth wide, expecting to taste a nice spoonful of miso soup.

"You must be kidding me! People with a cold can still feed themselves!" Midorima continued to complain, before sighing.

"B-but... I am sick... So... Itadakimasu." You frowned, opening your mouth once again.

"The things you make me do, (F/N)..." He fed you the miso soup until there was none left in the bowl. Each time, you favoured the taste and love he put into it. "There, all done... Time to go back to sleep, nanodayo."

"Shin-chan..." You quietly called his name. "I can't go to sleep again without something." You pouted.

"And what would that b-!"

"You!~" You quickly jumped on him, causing him to fall on his back on the bed with you on his stomach. You could feel him heat up as a dark red blush appeared on his face, spreading all the way to the tips of his ears. "Can you cuddle with me... Please~?" You pleaded, sitting up on his stomach. Midorima sat up as well, moving you two under the covers.

"J-just this o-once... Only b-because your sick!" He stuttered, wrapping his arms around you as you buried your head in his chest. You could hear his quickened heart beats begin to slow down as you two were getting comfortable with each other. He rested his chin on the top of your head and with one hand, began stroking your hair.

"This is perfect, Shin-chan..." You whispered, giving him a peck on his defined jaw. "I think this is the best remedy for a cold." You could hear a small chuckle from Midorima when you said that.

"Well Oha Asa did say something about today being a go- Achooo!" The room went silent. "(F/N)! You made me sick! NANODAYO!" Midorima sniffled. You couldn't stop laughing as you wrapped your arms tight around his toned body to keep him from running away.

"Gomen! You are too cute!" You giggled, burying your face deeper into his chest.

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