[ Aomine ] - Master

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"I-I said stop, Ahomine!" You shriek, flopping on the floor like a fish out of the water. The tanned male had pinned you down, taking this moment to tickle your feet profusely until you almost pissed yourself.

"Not a chance, (F/N)! Give up already!" Aomine smirked, using his heavy body to hold you down. You tried to fight back, only managing to shift yourself into an even more awkward position on the blanket lying on the floor. "Come on, say mercy." His voice was deep, but teasing. If you were to admit mercy, you'd have to swallow your gigantic pride; something you obviously couldn't do.

"N-Nev.." You moan, exhausted from laughing slash crying excessively. "Never!" In a swift motion, your foot made contact with the tanned male's face, sending him flying towards the TV.

"Ow!" Aomine cupped his red cheek as he recovered from your well-polished kick.

"A-aomine..." You slap your hands over your mouth, trying to mask the laughter threatening to pour out.

"What the hell? You just kicked my face!"

"It was by accident, really!" You reply back in your defense, "What are you gonna do?" Your eyes widen at the boy who was slowly making his way to you. You backed away from him until your body was pressed against a wall. You were really gonna die today. "Are you going to punish me?" You ask, your voice barely above a whisper.

"Wha-?" The power forward crinkled his nose. Your lip quivered in fear as you scanneed his body, stopping at the large bulge in his pants. Aomine must have followed your eyes because he grabbed a nearby pillow to cover his growing problem.

"..." It got awkward as you two continued to stare, a blush pasted on both of your faces. "Does the thought of punishing me, turn you on? ...Master?" Now you were really pushing it.

"For frick sakes, (F/N). You are gonna take responsibility for this!" Aomine shouts, picking you up bridal style. You let out a yelp as you feel his hand squeeze one of your ass cheeks before carrying you into the bedroom.


"You mean, master."

A/N: Sorry it is short.

Wouldn't it be so awkward if your male friend got a you know infront of you, Kougou-sama//08.28.2015

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