[ Murasakibara ] - You did good ll

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"Atsu-kun, lets take a walk." You grabbed the purple-haired giant's hand, leading him out of the building that hosted the Winter cup. Your boyfriend, Murasakibara Atsushi, was obviously upset after losing the game against Seirin. "You did good." You smile at him, crossing your fingers with his. He just nodded, slowly shuffling his feet under him as you two headed to a nearby park.

The park was nicely lit up with dim street lights. The stars were out, and a sheet of freshly fallen snow covered the ground, as well as the park equipment. "(F/N)-chin..." Murasakibara mumbled under his breath as you walked over to the swing set, pushing the snow off the saucer swing.

"Sit, Atsu-kun. Please?" You sweetly plead, pulling your ear muffs down. He obeys. As he sighs, white mist flows out of his mouth. He plops down on the saucer swing, laying down on it to face the beautiful night sky.

"(F/N)-chin, what are we doing? Can we go home?" His voice was more serious than usual which wasn't surprising since he did take the loss hard. You just laid on your side beside him on the swing, using his arm as a pillow.

"Can we please just... lay here for awhile?" You snuggled your head closer to him. As you two laid there, you felt water droplets hit your face and you realized they were coming from Murasakibara. "Atsu-kun?" You sat up, seeing him wipe his eyes with his sleeves. "...Don't cry." You softly smiled at the view of your boyfriend sniffling, almost like he was a child.

"I just wanted to win. I quit basketball!" He coughs, still laying on the saucer.

"You don't mean that, Atsu-kun. I know you." You lightly chuckled, moving his arms away from his flushed face. You couldn't help but giggle at his adorable-ness. You could tell he noticed and just pouted at you. "Now, now. No need to be mad at me." You move your face closer to Murasakibara, hovering over his. "You did good." You pressed your lips against his gently then parted, but only for a second before Murasakibara sat up just to crash his lips onto yours for a rougher and much more passionate kiss. He held you in his arms, you could feel his hand on your back, pushing you closer to him. You cupped his cheeks, wiping his tear stains with your thumbs. "Feeling better?" You part lips with him to gasp for air.

"Mhm.." Murasakibara nodded. You climbed on top of him to face him, your knees on each side of him. You two just pressed foreheads together, enjoying each other's light breaths in the silent enviroment. You could hear ( Your favorite song ) playing in the background. It was coming from a small, nearby bakery that seemed to have grabbed Murasakibara's attention too.

"Lets go get something to eat, okay? Then we can go home, watch a sappy movie, and eat as much snacks as your stomach can hold." You proposed, getting off of his lap. Murasakibara got off the swing, intertwinning his fingers with yours as you two head to the bakery.

"Okay, (F/N)-chin~" Murasakibara muttered, giving you a light squeeze.


[ A/N: I always wanted to write a one-shot about Yosen losing to Seirin. ♥ I hope it was good. I really miss saucer swings, haha. If you don't know what they are, search them up. They are the best things ever! Just like a pouting Atsushi! Haha. ]

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