[ Kagami ] - I'm tired ll

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"Taiga, I'm tired." You frown as your boyfriend finished putting his basketball shoes in his bag.

"Ah, sorry about that, (F/N). Thanks for coming to watch my game though. It was probably quite late for you." Kagami replies, draping his jacket over your shoulders as you let out another yawn. "Let's get you home." He smiles, protectively wrapping his right arm around you.

"Okay...~" You chime back, pulling his jacket around you tighter. "You must be tired too, Taiga." You rub your eyes as your boyfriend just nods, navigating you two through the streets.

"I am, but after a win like that? I'm hyped!" He raises his left fist in the air, giving you a toothy grin. You couldn't help but giggle at his response as you two stood in front of his apartment room while Kagami toyed with the key and lock. "There, in you go." He hold the door open for you as you quickly run to the couch, throwing yourself down on it.

"Why am I sleeping here tonight, Taiga?" You ask, sitting up on the couch with the jacket still wrapped around you. "My parents are going to be worried." You frown as your boyfriend drops his bag on the ground.

"Don't worry, I already called them. They trust me, as long as there is no funny business between us." He answers, grabbing a seat beside you on the couch.

"No funny business, hmm?" You hop into Kagami's lap, pressing your back on his chest as he wraps his arms around you.

"No funny business." He replies, as you begin to close your eyes. You embrace the warmth between you and him as he shifts, so that you and him can lay on the couch together. His arm is draped across you as you snuggle closer to him, your face buried in his chest.

"I like this, Taiga. No 'funny business' or anything... Just this." You mumble into his chest. You can feel his warm breaths on your skin and the pace of his chest rising, then falling.

"I like this too, (F/N). Good night." Kagami lightly pecks the top of your head before falling asleep.

"Mhm.. Sweet dreams Taiga." You add before falling asleep yourself.


[ A/N: I was decifering between two scenarios for Kagami, but what the heck? It must be tiring to be the girlfriend of a basketball champion. Haha. ♥ Sorry this one isn't as good as the others. Oh! and has anyone seen the latest Kuroko no Basket episode? TEIKO ARC! Akashi... NIJIMURA~♥ Haha. ]


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