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Day 1:

Somehow I ended up driving, so Abi was sitting in the front seat with everyone gathering in the back. The scouts and warriors didn't want to be in the Rv, so Abi actually let them drive their own cars and following behind us.

Our first stop will be my pack actually, not sure why we stop there, but I think it's because Abi wants to see everything through her wolf eyes, plus I needed to see my parents. I plan to introduce them to Abi today, but she doesn't know yet; I don't wanna freak her out too much. I'm not sure who we looking for either, but Abi said we both will know when we see her.

Arriving in my pack, I see Ryan training the younger kids. He ran toward me and hug me tight, and I heard a growl behind me; I back away, knowing that's Abi.

Hello Mr. Tough--Abi said

Alpha - Ryan said and bow down

I won't be staying; we are just passing through. But I do want a quick meeting with everyone in the meeting hall. Exactly in 30 minutes, so let's make it quick, please. He ran away to release his students.

'Good afternoon, everyone, well, more like good morning. I'm glad to see everyone safe and happy. I know some of you guys miss your kids, but I can say they are in good hands, and they are having fun, some with their mates. (Everyone started laughing). Anyway, I wanted to have this meeting to say that my mate pack and I will be merging. It is going to be difficult for a while, but I believe in us. She will be our Luna, and I will be the Luna for her pack. I will still have our other leaders like Ana and Hannah, and Abitha will have hers. I understand the separation in the middle, but not to worry, we actually claim that property and constructing houses and another school there. So for those who would like to move on that side, send me your name, and we'll see what we can do.

What do you mean by keeping the leaders? One of my warriors ask

It means basically we will be one pack. I'll be the alpha and Luna, and so will be Abi. We will have two betas, two gammas, we already have our warriors, and we'll just add it with Abi warriors. So we'll have more warriors than every other pack; we'll be more significant than the king pack.

That sounds fun; someone scream, and the crowd laugh

I know we can do it, guys. The good news we'll be the number 1 pack now instead of 2, and we'll get to meet our new families. Parents, that means more babysitters for date night, and for teens, that means more party. And for some odd reasons, everyone cheers.

After the meeting was finished, I had 30 minutes to introduce my parents to Abi, so I grabbed her hands and started walking toward their house. Bae, where we going in such a rush, Abi whine. You'll see, it's a surprise.

I walk inside the house without knockings and found my parents making out on the couch...Ouch, my eyes, they burn, I scream, and they jump off the couch like I call fire, and Abi and I started laughing like crazy, and of course, my mom being my mom, scolded me and throw a pillow at my head.

Abi, those knuckleheads are my parents; this is my mother Janice, my father, Frank. Dad, mom, this is Alpha Abitha, my mate.

Your what? they screamed at the same time

I roll my eyes; ya would have known that if ya were here last time I was or if ya even came to the emergency meeting I just had half an hour ago. I had requested everyone to be there, but of course, by the smell of the house and the position ya was just in, I know why you guys weren't present.

Pleasure meeting you, alpha Abitha. I heard rumors that you met your mate Phoebs, but I thought it was just rumored-my mom said and hug Abi.

Pleasure is all mine, and please call me Abitha; I see where Phoebe got her good looks from, Abi said, getting a growl from both my dad and me.

You got my daughter, don't steal my wife too, my dad said, laughing

I wouldn't dream of it, sir. Abi said all polite.

Please call me Frank, you are my daughter mate after all, and I'm glad to see you guys accepted the bond-he replied back

Of course, the moon goddess blesses me with an angel; who am I to refuse? She replied with a smirk on her beautiful face. That only set my face on fire and because my mom loves embarrassing me, guess what she did? She screams

Oh my God! Phoebe is blushing; get the camera, Frank, hurry up

okay, it's time to go babe I said, grabbing Abi's arms before they bring out the camera for real.

Wait, my dad yell--is it true, you're the moon goddess daughter, or was that an actual rumor?

Something like that, but my parents are April, and Jameson Angel said Abi

Wow, that means I'm missing a daughter-in-law, and my daughter is made for great things. Anything you guys need, I'm here to help, he said with a sincere and proud smile on his face

We left the house after that and head to the RV; well, thanks, babe, for the surprise visit to your parents; I hope you remember that said Abi as soon as she sat on the driver's side. I just gave her a cheesing smile

Okay, guys, now the road trip begins yelled Kyla in the back, let's play truth or dare or deep, darkest secret.

What is that, I ask?

Oh! it's a game me and the gang created when we were a kid when we wanted things to get personal, and since we'll be living together anyway and stuck with each other for life, why not, she said, giving me a mischievous smile

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