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Kyla, I am having a crisis here I said and rolled my eyes.

Well, Abi, I don't know who's her mate, and I don't know who's yours. I only know mine, Schneider and Andy's, so can we please go back to work? It's already 5, Kyla stated

I just nod and ask for the list.

White Moon Pack

Alpha White 17

Beta Anna, 16, and her mate John 17

Gamma Hanna, 16, and her mate Monica 17

Sam 17 (your future BFF in law)

Samara 17 (Sam twin sister)( Andy mate, BTW)

Andre 16 (Beta Anna twin) (Schneider mate)

And many other people that I didn't go over their files yet since I had to go help Schneider, she shrugged.

What's the alpha first name I ask--"Phoebe," Kyla replied in a hushed voice

"Kyla, you do know this list is supposed to go in our cabinet, and I have all this heart and kissing emoji by your mate name I laugh," ah Abi, don't worry, I got the professional one in my office, this is just for us to use in the meeting because those are the leaders and group the alpha always with, she stopped mid-sentence and then keep going they also best friend so its always Phoebe, Anna, Hannah, and Sam. Their mate started joining them when they met, so add John and Monica to the list. Phoebe and Sam are the only single person, but I don't plan for Sam to still be single for long; she laughed, and hopefully, the same goes for Phoebe. Speaking of which, she invited us to a sleepover on Friday night at their building, but I informed them that the alpha can't sleep on the Packhouse unless it's in her wing, so I hope you don't mind, I move it to our house. I couldn't bear seeing Sam sad.

Seriously Kyla, I said, and roll my eyes.

Yes, Abi, she gave me the puppy eyes, and she just wants to get to know my best friend and me so she could make a great impression on you, especially because she has to move in with us since she's mine and she knows I can't move with her because of my position and I wouldn't dare leave my best friend, you know I love you she said with all her canines out.

Shut up, I said and throw my pen at her.

Schneider walked in and just staring at us while cheesing. What's wrong with your face Kyla said, and he just rolled his eyes, stating it's almost time and my alpha and beta are playing rather than helping me plan this last-minute thing that they come up with.

We love you, Schneider, and you best at  party planning, so take it as a gift from us and remember if all goes well, you can tell Andre, you plan the whole thing -Kyla said

Oh my God, Schneider, are you blushing? I said and laugh, and he hides his face behind his hand and walks out, but before he left, he stood between the door and said, "at least I didn't run" he and Kyla just died of laughter while I just rolled my eyes at them.

Keep laughing, and you guys will be stuck training the toddler this weekend, and that means no sleepover for either of you, I said and stick my tongue at them. They all stop laughing, and I thought to myself, Who knows them meeting their mate would have them at arm's length. Even if I haven't talked to my mate yet, I need to assign some warriors to guard her.

Schneider, before you leave, something just came to mind with the way you guys acting; I'll need to assign warriors to protect our mates. Sam, Andre, and whatever my mate's name, it can be used against us as weakness, and that is something we don't want, so let us prevent it as much as we can. Agree?

Yes, Abi, they both reply.

That's a good idea, why didn't I think of it? Kyla said.

Guys, it's 6, so let's head downstairs, everyone should be gathering now, and I expect both of you to be next to me and on your best behavior. Ignore your mates for 35 minutes, please, and you guys can mingle afterward, and by the way, I'm telling my beta and gamma that--not my best friend.

Yes, alpha, both of them said and bow down before exiting the door

I had to remind them cause sometimes they'll act up and then blamed it on the best friend side that was acting up, so now I have to differentiate them just to keep them in order. I love my best friends, but they crazy and wild. Especially when we let our wolves out.

Good evening everyone, and welcome to the Angel Moon Pack. I'm alpha Angel; I have asked you guys to join me here this evening so we can go over a couple of rules and to get to know each other. After the meeting, I have planned a meet and greet for you guys, especially those who have met their mates today. I hope you guys like the building I have set aside for you guys. There are classes based on ages when it comes to training, and if you want, you can also train alone either in the cages or the gym. The kitchen is open at all times, and food will be served at all times. I expect everyone to be in their best behaviors and to also respect one another. I understand your alpha is running late, so I'll go ahead and start with the rules. Rule #1, you cannot leave the territory without not informing me and get approval for security reasons; while you are in my domain, your safety is in my hands, so I have to be aware of your whereabouts. Rule #2, as you can see from the brochure you got in school, the principal expects nothing but A'S and B's; if needed, there are tutors available. Rule #3, I expect everyone to be in school every single day; attendance will be sent home at the end of each school day, you will need permission to be out of school. I know you guys are wondering why we are so strict, especially since it's me, a 17 years old that is leading the pack; well, it's because I expect us to stay the number 1 pack in the US, and my members already know of the consequence, and even though you are not part of my pack, until the end of the school year, you are part of my pack, and I expect the best out of each of you. On my right side is my Beta Kyla; her door is always open if anyone has any questions, and she is in charge of the warriors; if you want to help guard patrol, you may speak to her, and I'm 100 percent sure, she'll gladly find a use for you all. On my left side is my Gamma Schneider, he plans most of the travel and meeting for the pact, so if you decide you want to go back home and visit your parents, please speak to him, and he'll be able to help. That is all; thank you for joining us, guys, and welcome to your second home. Does anyone have any questions?

I look in the crowd and saw a young girl with her finger up; yes, I reply. Alpha, I understand you only let 10-12 grade come here for school until the end of the summer, but can and will you make exceptions for us that have mates that are freshman? ---Of course, I know how hard it is for mates to be away from each other, just reach out to me personally with their name and I'll speak to---I stop talking mid-sentence because I smell the beautiful scent again and I looked up to find the green eyes looking at me again, I mind link Schneider and Kyla, that's her-why is she late? I just kept staring at her, and I see her smirking, and she said 'I apologize for being late, please keep going" ----oh, yes, where was I? Just give me a list of their name, and I'll speak to your alpha whenever she gets here, and I'll have them transfer here for the meantime as well. Any more questions?

No alpha Angel--everyone replied in unison except my tardy mate

Please go enjoy yourselves, and whenever alpha White gets here, please inform her that I will be in my office. Afterward, I'll come and mingle with you guys; I'm sure some of you will like to get to know me.

Guys, please follows me to the office; I said in the link. 

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