Chapter 42.

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 Side Note: I'm sure you all noticed certain part's written in Italic without chapters. It's someone talking, normally it's Keith but it's like he speaking over part of the life style. This time I added speech marks due to it being in the middle of parts but that's why I haven't placed any name. It's because he saying those words but it's not right in the moment...

Two Days Later...

Great Forest of Gagal Kasakan... 

Every platoon was sent within the forest, axes or saws in their hands as they chopped away tree after tree as ordered. Gaps between each other as they chopped down trees by certain clear paths within the forest. Sprits and the Sinack people were working together to try and make the game plan come true. Harsh labour and long hours of working without a break, all was struggling but pushing on to make their plan come true.

"As usual, Katie plan is bold, but we only have three and half days. Manpower and time is limited. If 12,000 strong Alderan forces wants to invade Katjvarana, they'll have to come threw the Great Forest of Gagal Kasakan"

At the opposite end of the Great Forest of Gagal Kasakan..

(With the enemy)

A rough old laugh filled the air making most turn within the laughing soldier direction. Seeing his hands on his stomach as he laughed towards the news he was told. He looked to the burning forest, the smoke filling the sky making him enjoy the moment even more. 

"So they're going to plan down the whole forest? Madness! This is what you would see when you've driven someone to the brink" General Sal grinned, clearly enjoying the madness as it meant the battle will be even greater. 

"However, if we waste time here, it will hinder our pursuit" Bi-Boh-Bi reminded with a frown as he glanced to his general who rolled his eyes. 

"I know that much. Maybe we can put the fires out if we all piss over them?" Sal sighed, sending in a joke as he wanted to enjoy the battle instead of being a normal boring soldier who just followed orders without a bit of excitement. 

"General Sal, that is a very creative plan, but no" Bi-Boh-Bi replied with a weak smile as he looked back at the sight of the burning forest, only the dug out paths threw the forest was on fire but still blocking their paths since it was take weeks to chop down a new path. 

"What a pain" Sal groaned as he leaned back on his horse a little.

"Hey Bi-Boh-Bi, is that kid here yet?" Sal whined as he glanced to his Sargent Major who sat on the horse beside him.

"I've sent someone for him, but.. I'm not sure if it would be wise to reply on him as much as we do" Bi-Boh-Bi replied with a concerned frown as he glanced down to his horse knowing he should be careful over what he says but he needed to say it.

"Even if he may be a guest officer, if he part of our chain of command, he just another one of my men! What's so bad about running him as hard as I would a fellow soldier?" Sal snapped back as he looked to his Sargent Major and friend.

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