Chapter 22 - The Bunker

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"So.. How we doin' this?" I tried asking the twins.

We looked over in front of us. It was an artificial tree made of metal. Which apparently was the spot where Dipper found the Journal 3. He wanted to find out the number one mystery of Gravity Falls, the author of the journals.

He explains that he disappeared 30 years ago, then two days ago- the accident with the zombies, he figured out that the book contained invisible ink. Honestly, I could have guessed that. And now... We were standing at a tree, which below it was the bunker supposedly.

With no other clues, we were hard stuck in front of the tree, trying to find out how to open it.

"Chop it down, dudes!" A voice said with the sound of a bike bell ringing. We turned around to find Wendy.

"Sup!" I greet with a smile.

Mabel looks at her with a surprised expression, "Wendy!"

"Oh, hey!" Dipper waves, "You came." He said trying to sound calm. Now that I think about it-.. We didn't actually get to hang out with Wendy much.

"Of course dude, I'm so stoked about this. I've been wanting to go adventuring with you guys." She gets off her bike putting it beside a tree. She takes off her bike helmet and puts on her lumberjack hat. "Thanks for the invite man!" She starts walking off to the tree, not waiting for their response.

I look at Dipper, he had an awkward smile, "Of course, anytime you wanna.. I, we're always..." He says extremely flusteredly.

I laugh lightly at his reaction, "Nice one Dip." I said passing him and walking over to Soos- who was trying to drill the tree. Wendy was looking over the tree, trying to find something else. "I don't think that's gonna work, Soos."

"Don't worry I got this dude." He says laser-focused at using the hand drill.

I examine the tree myself, there was a small machine inside the tree, which I assume was where Dipper flicked a switch and got the Journal 3. It seems that it doesn't have any more power and is already broken. Probably because he left it open.

I tapped the tree, yep.. metal. I look above me, in some parts of the tree, the paint was ruined which showed the metal behind the paint.

I look at Wendy, she seems to be also looking above. "Is it just me or does that look like a lever?" She points at one of the branches.

The base of the branch was the most obvious part, it showed metal. "Seems like it," I reply.

The twins walked up to us, "But.. how do we get up there?" Dipper asks, trying to think of an idea. "Maybe a ladder?"

I look back at the lever, I could go levitate in.. but I don't want them to find that out yet. I shake my head clearing my thoughts, I look back at them, Dipper was still thinking of ideas. Wendy.. was somewhere.

I look back at the tree, she was already climbing, "Oh." Was all I could say, we all turn to her almost at the lever. She was using her belt which surrounded the tree to climb up. God she's an absolute badass.

She stops just below it and she ties the belt on her back to keep her from falling off. She takes her axe and in one swing- the branch switched. "Boosh!" She said making the sound effect.

We all stare at her in awe.

"Oh yeah, my dad used to make me compete in these lumberjack games when I was a kid. Guess I kinda ruled at it."

Before she could go down, the tree started to shake. She screams and falls on one of the bushes. The tree then started to descent to the ground. We help Wendy up so she doesn't fall in the hole. It soon stops and the sound of pistons could be heard as wooden stairs start to pop up which leads downstairs. "Quite cryptic. I like it," I comment.

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