Chapter 26 - Another Mabel

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The three of us had a somewhat shocked expression. When did Robbie start working here?! And when did he use those kinds of clothes? I didn't even recognize him.. Is this the same jerk I know?

Before I could ask him anything, someone gasps, "New friends!" A more familiar voice said. I look over to see... Pacifica? She was.. different.

Instead of the dress she usually wears, she had a blue shirt with a dark pink jacket, and shorts with sneakers. Her blonde hair that was usually flowing down was now tied to a ponytail. This was very unlike her... Where the heck are we?

"My name's Pacifica Southeast!" I stare at her still confused, Pacifica Southeast...? Wait what.. "What's your name?"

"I-.. My name's William.. just call me Will," I replied just going along with the situation. "This is Sam and Lily," I said gesturing to the twins.

Sam approaches her shaking her hand, "Hello friend!" They seem rather too filled with energy.

Lily starts pulling my sleeve trying to get my attention, "I think- we're on the wrong dimension..." She whispers to me.

I pause for a moment trying to process the information, "That.. That makes a lot more sense."

"What does?" Pacifica says, looking at us curiously.


She opens her mouth to speak, but someone else calls her- leaving that thought to herself. "Pacifica! Have you seen my book?" Another somewhat familiar voice shouted from the other room.

"You just didn't look hard enough, it's up there somewhere!" She shouts back.

"Who's that?"

"Oh! That's my cousin, Gideon Pines."

Wait what? Gideon Pines? Then where are Mabel and Dipper?

My thought was broken when Gideon walks through the door. He was looking at us strangely and cautiously.

He also had a different appearance, instead of his short chubby self. He was taller and skinnier. He had short messy white hair which was different from his hair that was usually standing up. Instead of his normal blue suit, he was wearing a blue hoodie, black shorts, and black sneakers.

Another thing that confirmed my suspicion was that he is wearing a hat with a pine tree...

He stares at me cautiously, before looking back at Pacifica.

"See Gideon! I have new friends!" Pacifica proudly states with a huge smile on her face.

Sam approaches him, "Nice to meet you! My name's Sam!"

Gideon inches back a bit, he was overwhelmed by the two energetic ones. "Y-Yeah.. Nice to meet you." He says returning a kind smile.

"This is my sister..." He gestures to Lily.

"H-Hello..." She waves to him shyly, while still beside me.

He turns to me, "Name's William, just call me Will." I feel I'd like this Gideon better than the other one... Sam approached Gideon again, constantly talking to him.

"How come I've never seen you guys before here?" Pacifica said as she approaches us. "Are you tourists? Or are you new here just like me?"

I didn't know what to say... I couldn't just say that we came from another dimension... "Hmm.. I'd say we're like.. tourists? We aren't exactly from around here."

"Then do you want us to show you around?" She asks, looking at me excitedly.

"I-.. I don't know we might have to leave soon..." I reluctantly explain. She looks at me with a frown.

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