Chapter 18 - Lessons

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"Hello there!" A voice spoke with a loud voice disturbing my sleep.

"Ugh.." I opened my eyes. I looked around- everything was gray. I was in a grassland. "I feel like I'm having Déjà vu.." I stood up and stretched. I was definitely in the mindscape... "Come out Bill, what do you want.. again?"

I heard a laugh behind me, so I turn around and a blue circle was on the ground and Bill comes out of it while laughing maniacally. "Hey, kid! Did you miss me?"

I turn around- pointing my finger at him, I shot a laser at him, "But my aim is getting better!" I look at him while chuckling lightly.

It hit right through his chest, he looks at me with a blank face. "Haha. Very funny," he says with sarcasm. His body regenerates again. He looks very unamused.

I stopped my laugh before speaking, "So.. what did you want this time?"

"I told you I'd come by next time."

Did he say that..? "Right... My memory isn't exactly that sharp."

He placed an arm around my shoulder and nudges me, "So what do you say, pal?"

I push him off me, "First of all- not your pal. Second, what are you talking about again?"

"I did say I'll help you with your problems and your powers without a cost.. but, maybe you can help me...-" he puts his hands up with flames, "..with something small?"

I put my hand on my chin, "Hmm... Should I trust a dream demon who got us into trouble..? Of course not." I say with my arms crossed while staring at him blankly.

He puts his hands down, "That might have happened, but let's put our difference aside and listen to me?"

"What's the favor?"

"I'll answer your questions when I know something about it and I'll even help you discover more about being a 'dream demon'. All I need is for you to help me when the time comes."

"How do I know you aren't just gonna harm me and everyone I know?" I crossed my arm again, "Last time we saw you-.. you actually attacked us. I don't actually have any reason to believe your words.." I say with spite.

"Well, I can't really break a deal. It's a special part about us dream demons. We make deals with humans. I can go inside people's memories or minds- except for one person..." he says the last part in a whisper. "And also you- since you're half my kind, I can't exactly go to your memories."

"What do you mean except one person?"

"That's a secret.. for now."

A secret huh? I guess.. I at least expected him to keep a few secrets. "Uh-huh... What else can you do?"

"I can also make people do my bidding as long as they give consent to the deal. Besides, since it's a deal they also get something back."

"That means if you just ask for something vague and not specific- you can twist the deal?"

He was quiet for a few seconds, "You're a smart kid- you catch on quick. Exactly I can't make you do something that wasn't part of the deal."

"Then this 'favour'...? Will this result in someone getting hurt or dying?"


"Will this result in you taking over the earth?" I say specifically. Don't want any demon taking the whole world...

"No. It won't. So- what do you say?"

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